According to Bogner, however, UN observers had also received information that Russian soldiers were allegedly mistreated and tortured after their capture. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. Mr Zelensky's defence officials have also claimed "panic" and "refusals to fight" have plagued Moscow's forces. And in cases where populations spontaneously rise up to oppose invaders without having time to organise a command structure, those captured are also considered prisoners of war, as long as they wear their weapons visibly and respect the rules of war. Alexander Drozdov, another former inmate cited in the report, said many of the Russian prisoners sent to the front line in Ukraine by Wagner are drug addicts and "completely insane." In Soledar, a salt-mining town with a prewar population of about 10,000 people . Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Virtual Launch Event for the Handbook for United Nations Field Missions on Preventing and Responding to Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Reports of Extra Judicial Executions Continue in the Context of Security Operations in Venezuela and Access to Basic Services Continue to be Scarce, Says High Commissioner to Human Rights Council, Sudan: UN experts call for enhanced protection of civilians, including internally displaced, in Darfur, National institutions and regional mechanisms. "We were not told where we were going. PMC Wagner Group Evgeny Prigozhin is at a penal colony looking for new assault infantry to join his company. But, should they arrive in Ukraine and refuse to fight, they will be considered deserters and shot. We await progress in these cases. The latest retreat near Kharkiv even has people in Russia questioning Putin. We're told it is"for their own protection.". (Editor's note: This is the official Kremlin term for Russia's war against Ukraine. The prisoners say they like to read detective stories and novels. Liz Throssell + 41 22 917 9296 / or You can change your choices at any time by visiting your privacy controls. On Thursday, Ukrainian forces said they had captured two Russian soldiers, identified as Rafik Rakhmankulov, 19 and Mgomd Mgomdov, 26, from Kizilyurt, along with a cache of weapons and knives. Soldiers fighting for Ukraine appear to shoot a Russian prisoner of war outside a village west of Kyiv in a video posted online. It added: "With one of the highest rates of incarceration in the world, FSIN (Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service) oversees a sprawling empire of over 400,000 inmates and has frequently been accused of extreme brutality and corruption. On Thursday afternoon, Human Rights Watch released a statement calling on Ukraine to "ensure an effective investigation into alleged abuse by Ukrainian fighters of Russian prisoners of war . Its unknown how many of the prisoners in the video enlisted into the Wagner Group. Russia and Ukraine have agreed on an exchange of 40 prisoners of war, Russian Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova said on Wednesday after meeting her Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Lubinets in Turkey.. Moskalkova and Lubinets met on the sidelines of an international ombudsman conference in Ankara. Nevertheless, if the Russian army continues to flounder in Ukraine, recruitment drives such as these might become more frequent as Putin tries to turn the course of the war around. Some are deemed to be prisoners of . Some are deemed to be prisoners of war, even though they never took part in the fighting. He said: It is either private military contractors and prisoners [fighting in Ukraine] or your children decide for yourself.. Groups of Russian Prisoners of War have been paraded to the press by Ukraine. "We are asked every day if we need anything. They are not surprised by the visit of journalists. Prisoners of war described being beaten, including with batons and wooden hammers, kicked, and given electric shocks with Tasers and a military phone known as TAPik. More info. One witness told us, I quote, I still cannot stand the sound of duct tape. Sviatohirsk: Ukrainian flag raised above Russian-occupied Donetsk city Vladimir Putin is recruiting convicts from Russian jails to fill gaps in his fighting force in Ukraine left by. We all compare it to Russian roulette. The BBC says it's sorry after loud sexual noises disrupted its live sports coverage on TV, It's time for everyone to take Fridays off, Africas biggest law firm was just nailed for not stopping a R5.5 million hack with R2,000 a month, All JSE data delayed by at least 15 minutes. They were often taken in overcrowded trucks or buses, and sometimes lacked access to water or toilets for more than a day. submissions or preferences. The war is difficult, he says; the pro-Kremlin group has used more than two and a half times the amount of ammunition used by Soviet forces during the battle of Stalingrad in the second world war. Thirdly, recruits are forbidden from marauding, including looting and any form of sexual relations. DON'T MISS:Squadron of Russian SU-24 fighter bombers roars past Royal Navy ship [REPORT] Putin's million-pound military drone crashes into Russian power lines [REPORT] Economy grows, gas prices fall, Putin doomed. Readers like you keep news free for everyone. All the prisoners DW was able to speak with assured us that they regret their participation in the invasion of Ukraine and that they did not shoot at peaceful civilians in villages and towns. Experts suggested that taking and publishing images of prisoners of war may constitute a war crime. 2023 just gets better, Full scale of British wind power laid bare as UK free from Russian gas, Before and after maps show Russia's territorial losses in Ukraine, Children of Russian officials take lavish holidays in NATO countries, Russia's Wagner Group says it found body of missing Briton in Ukraine, Meet General Gerasimov, Putin's new top commander in Ukraine, Putin to brush off UK sending tanks to Ukraine, 10 Putin allies came to UK on 'Golden Visas', Home Office review shows. The Ukrainian military, he says, took him along and provided medical care. Ukraine says it has captured quite a lot of Russian soldiers. The official told reporters on condition of anonymity: Our information indicates that Wagner has been suffering high losses in Ukraine, especially and unsurprisingly among young and inexperienced fighters.. Capture Russians from the Wagner group, which has murderers, rapists and drug dealers on its front line, have come confessed to their Ukrainian captors they face execution by their own leaders. Moscow said it carried out deadly missile . Hes still alive. Low morale played a big part in the Russian military's struggles. Torture and ill-treatment were not only used to coerce prisoners of war to give military information or statements about alleged crimes. Relatives of inmates at two prisons outside St Petersburg, IK-7 . The Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) reported that some ex-cons have even appealed to human rights organisations to be returned to prison rather than face execution by their own leaders. No one falls back, no one retreats, no one surrenders. In fact, various reports and expert analyses echo this. As the Ombudsman posted on Telegram, the parties discussed the release of Kremlin's prisoners, arbitrarily detained and imprisoned in Russia for alleged criminal offenses in the territory of Crimea, and the return home of seriously wounded Ukrainian service members who currently stay in the territory of the Russian Federation.. The websitecontains the names, birth dates and ranks all of which can be asked for under the Geneva convention of captured soldiers who have been identified, as well as information about where they are located. And, he adds, he never wants to serve in the army again. At the same time as promoting Gerasimov above them he has also demoted so-called General Armageddon Sergei Surovikin to become the military number two. "This could mean that Russia did not give up on this idea after all.". Alexei Zheleznyak, a soldier of. Russian soldiers captured in Ukraine have described being used like 'cannon fodder' and thrown into battle against 'peaceful people'. A man responds with the phrase: Glory to heroes., The audio ends with a man saying: Do not [expletive] come to our land.. The living soldiers in the video are wearing the Ukrainian colours of blue and yellow on their arms, while the men on the floor wear white armbands, the colour of Russian troops. When his tank was fired upon near Pryluky in the Chernihiv region on February 27, he surrendered to the Ukrainians. Content copyright Journal Media Ltd. 2023 Registered in Dublin, registration number: DW is not naming the exact location of the building for security reasons. Moscow The first group of Russian prisoners offered an amnesty in return for fighting in Ukraine has been released, the head of a mercenary group that employed them said in a video. 50 Ukrainian soldiers are back," Andriy Yermak, head of the Ukrainian presidential office said on Twitter. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the leading United Nations entity in the field of human rights, with a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. Mr Sabbagh added that Russian soldiers fleeing in a chaotic fashion has become a regular occurrence during the war. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. During his visit to the city of Izyum,. We also remain concerned that Ukraine continues to prosecute members of Russian-affiliated armed groups, Ukrainian nationals, for membership in those armed groups. ", Asked why he went to Ukraine, Artyom says: "On television, they tell us that we are supposedly fighting for a good causebut in reality that is not the case at all. Feedback on How Ukraine is dealing with Russian POWs - and how they are supposed to be treated by law. One prisoner of war recalled: We were most afraid of the military phone. For the price of one cup of coffee each week you can help keep paywalls away. We have received information about eight other such alleged deaths there in April 2022 and we are working to corroborate them. Ombudsman, and our staff operate within the Code of Practice. and indemnify Journal Media in relation to such content and their ability to make such content, Initially, they kept quiet, assuming chaplains to be part of Ukraine's security apparatus. International conventions dictate how these prisoners should be treated and what they can and cant be used for, which apply to the situation in Ukraine because it is an armed conflict. All rights reserved. He offers them a deal: six months of service in return for a pardon for their crimes. Trkiye , Erdogan, "In the beginning, we were told it was about humanitarian things. The Russians are held separately from the other prisoners. trial of a Russian prisoner of war in Ukraine. In the near future, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is scheduled to meet with his Ukrainian and Russian colleagues Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin. There he learned to drive a T-72 tank in just a few days. This article was originally written in Russian, Russian prisoners of war in a Ukrainian detention facility, Mariupol prisoners give Russia 'a lot of leverage': DW's Mathias Blinger, 'When you see antisemitism, act immediately', 'Antisemitism is thriving again in the world', Egyptian activists: We need to talk about abortion, Vietnam's President Phuc reportedly ousted by party rivals, Bundesliga: Reusable cups mandatory in stadiums, EU lawmakers back ban on 'waste colonialism' plastic exports, New COP28 head also boss of one of biggest oil companies, 'American Psycho' author Bret Easton Ellis returns, Protesters from across Peru converge on Lima, and he himself was captured by the Ukrainian Azov regiment. Borscht, a soup made with beetroot,and a porridge of buckwheat are passed through a hatchin the doors of each cell. Witnesses told us about the death of at least one prisoner of war during an admission procedure in the penal colony near Olenivka in mid-April 2022. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Footage allegedly shows Ukrainian soldiers killing captured Russian prisoner of war video, BBC investigators attempted to biometrically match, discovery of mass civilian graves in Bucha. Russian soldier given life sentence 01:42 On May 23, a Ukrainian court sentenced him to life in prison. Describing one prison recruit who was killed on the front line, Prigozhin says he died like a hero. The CIT. They found a match to a Georgian man with close links to Ukraine, but are yet to confirm his identity. More than 500 Russian prisoners who were recruited to fight in Ukraine have been killed in action Between 800 and 1,000 members of the mercenary organization Wagner Group have died in. Last modified on Fri 8 Apr 2022 00.27 EDT. Russia cancels prisoner swap at last minute, says Ukraine Russia cancelled a scheduled exchange of prisoners of war on Saturday at the last minute, the Ukrainian body dealing with prisoners said. Seven men of different ages are sitting in one of the cells. Press service of the Ukraine's Military Intelligence . According to the meal plan posted in the hallway, food is served three times a day. Prisoners with combat experience across Russia are being recruited en masse to fight in Ukraine, the prisoner's rights group has . Detainees appeared with bandages and . ", The podcast then played a clip from a recent news report, in which the presenter says: "Mounds of munitions lie where their owners fled, so swift was the Russian retreat they didn't even have time to finish their lunches, according to Ukraine's most senior soldier. Ivan is halfway through a 23-year sentence for murder and asked to use a pseudonym out of concern for his safety. You can unsubscribe at any time. It was a straight-up rout. This is YOUR comments community. On the other side, Russias defence ministry says it has captured more than 500 Ukrainians. They then lost contact with the commander and his unit was captured by the Ukrainian army soon after. Together with dozens of other medics and wounded soldiers, she had been hiding from Russian shelling in a . services and He also warned Russia that his military intends to take back the remaining occupied territories. Other described forms of physical abuse, including being stabbed, shot with a stun gun, threatened with mock executions, being hung by the hands or legs, and burned with cigarettes. It said the export of Ukrainian grain from Black Sea ports and ways to unblock fertiliser and food exports from Russia was discussed. "On the western outskirts of Soledar there are heavy bloody battles. For breakfast, there was corn porridge with meat, the prisoners say. PH: (01) 6489130, Lo-Call 1890 208 080 or email: Firstly, deserting. During interviews with him and two other POWs, a guard, a psychologist from the pre-trial detention center, and other prisoners were present. In the first round of mobilisation, a secret clause in Putin's decree was revealed, showing one million men could be called to take up arms and fight in Ukraine. Contrary to public perception, Putin's partial mobilisation in September has borne its fruits and filled the gaps in the military, Mr Gady said. READ MORE: Putin warned it is 'too late' to save Russian military from defeat, Franz-Stefan Gady, a Senior Fellow focused on future conflict and the future of war and a former military advisor to Europe and the United States, added that Russia's strategy appears to be "to bleed Ukrainian forces dry and by doing so prevent or delay the launch of a major Ukrainian ground offensives in other parts of the country this winter.". We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. In addition, the prisoners of war are allowed to go for walks and bathe daily. "Hope never dies," says 20-year-old Dmitry, who is still waiting for a prisoner exchange. Following a request by journalists to the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, DW became the first media outlet to speak with Russian prisoners and film in the prison. The Ukrainian military has set up a website to arrange for the mothers of captured Russian soldiers to come to pick them up in Ukraine, via the Polish border. We must bring all our . You have no business being here!'". DW interviewed four prisoners after they gave their consent; they were all professional soldiers and had nothing to hide, they said. What work this exactly entails remains unclear, but the Geneva convention states that prisoners can work in the agriculture or manufacturing sectors, as well as on public works, the handling or transporting of non-military goods, in commercial business and in domestic and public utility services. Jeremy Laurence + +41 22 917 9383 / or, In Nairobi Registered office: 3rd floor, Latin Hall, Golden Lane, Dublin 8. It was the first verdict in a trial of a Russian prisoner of war in Ukraine. The Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said he had not seen the video, but stated: I will say that every report on potential violations of international law should be followed or looked into, and of course, any violation of international law and any war crime is always unacceptable.. Ukrainian prisoners of war told us about overcrowded cells, poor hygiene and lack of food and water. On the other hand, Artyom, another prisoner, says he made a conscious decision to take part in the "special military operation" against Ukraine. In the video, Yevgeniy Prigozhin paces about a large group of prisoners, giving them the hard sell on joining the Russian war effort. Then just 1 a week for full website and app access. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner Group and an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on Tuesday there are "heavy bloody battles" being fought over Soledar, per the Moscow Times. "Honestly, we were deceived,"Roman, who is from Vyborg in Russia, tells us. Last month, a top Ukrainian military advisor said that Russian prisoners fighting with Wagner were being shoved to the front line and "killed in big quantities.". On May 23, a Ukrainian court sentenced him to life in prison. 483623. News images provided by Press Association We also documented various forms of sexual violence, such as pulling a male victim by a rope tied around his genitalia, or forced nudity combined with the threat of rape. In the video, at least three men in camouflage, including one with a head wound and his hands tied behind his back, can be seen lying dead next to a fourth man, who is breathing heavily with a jacket covering his head. Website and app access to serve in the Chernihiv region on February 27, he never wants to in... On This idea after all. `` to go for walks and bathe Daily, looting. Porridge of buckwheat are passed through a hatchin the doors of each cell ; military. 6489130, Lo-Call 1890 208 080 or email: info @ also claimed panic. 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