Stupid collapsed to a singularity where even the stupons have collapsed into stuponium. Anyway, sorry for the lack of relative weirdness, conspiracy theories and doughnuts (my Moose ate them all). Why do I have to work year round? But one of my classes is work, and two others are horrible year-round classes. And hotand smoky. Josh says I probably won't remember writing any of this, but I can't sleep. I'm baaaaa-ack! Those few who actually could think and avoided the sun were considered to be outcasts. We'd probably go crazier. and eat dinner. The possibilities are literally endless. Singularity stupid. API tools faq. After all, I'm talking to you, aren't I? I want an elective. Consulting Name Generator It's the sequel to the movie that revolutionized the standard by which we judge special effects. There are not going to be conspiraciesor humor of any kind. Next semester will be almost exactly like this one. Well. He then leaves them under his owners car. After this experience, you may not hear from me for a while. You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. This has been bothering me for a while. Or CRAP, for short. Now no one can ever say that I don't take care of my viewers. For that theory to work, I'd have to be psychicor in possesion of a freaky time-traveling computer. And don't even get me started on earrings. My point is that smoke detectors have very little value in home security. Do you fantasize that your tantrums and conniption fits could possibly be worth the $0.000000001 worth of electricity used to send them? Plus, the kids at the daycare (where I work, obviously) say that I'm "cool to talk to". It makes you think of Name-Brand vs. Generic cereal brands. I've spent the past three years of my life EXPECTING each semester to be like a mini-year. Workplace Communication Skills There was something else I had to tell you loyal *cricket chirps, someone coughs* fans. It was inspired, in part, by my sheer and utter boredom. But, my stupid internal alarm clock is starting to wake me up around six. Now, wasn't that entertainment. There is exactly 500 units of distance between the two extremes of winning amounts (0 and 500) BUT! That's right! It was fairly fun. And why do I even care? All I know is that I've been assuming one thing while the person in charge has been assuming a completly different thing. It'd be like when you go to the bottom of the ocean, only with gravity instead of pressure*shudders* Pressure is evil, too. Yeah. What does copy-and-paste mean? If I were to suddenly convert this entrie site into a *shudders* Backstreet Boys fan site or something, you wouldn't be any more suprised than I would be if my brother woke up one day and suddenly realized that he's shallow. Or suffer my blindingly moronic nail messages. trump will build his wall and keep dumb spics like you out of the country. I mean, I KNOW people are coming hereI have proof! These so-called "pointless" signs are doing just what they were meant to do: entertain you! *normal voice* Today I have a very important to discuss with you in this: PERFECTLY NORMAL PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCMENT. Here goes. I have once again caused that explody sensation in your brain meats! Using prior knowledge, I deduced that Mrs. X was full of crap. Next thing you know, you're internet connection will die. The events of Neo's dream unfold. Blog Post Idea Generator Ugh. May your day be shiney! It's not FAIR. I know it was her idea, 'cause my dad hates it, too. DROOOOOL OVER MY MAGICAL POWERS!! The very next day, she decided that we were going north, after all. In otherwords, she's a small yappy dog who is big for her breed. What values, you say? Either I am growing more comfortable with my on-line writing, or I am progressivly getting more insane and chaotic. It's not like I have anything better to do. Does it serve an obvious purpose? | 2.92 KB, GetText | Oh, and all those weird squiggly lines and symbols, those are supposed to be apostrophes, but neopet's code is weird, and I'm not gonna bother to edit it. How To Write A Newsletter I'm so proud of my daughter for stopping a bank robbery today. I think. I thought of another very good reason to assist with the Official Flaming Chickens Lunar Colony! Oh, wellI tired of nostalgia. by the time I had to do my part (tell people where to stand before getting their diploma) it was dark. This naturally alarmed the HECK out of me! Warning: this product is illegal in most states) Wasn't that entertaining? If you don't like it, start your own longest text ever. My brother(age 13) even decided upon a new job he wants when he's old enough to work, a busboy at the bar. There may also be evil little links that are designed to confuse you. In a moment of inspiration, I asked her who America fought. And I promise not to force you to live when you would rather die. Seeya. That means my pointless obsession has actually entertained someone besides me! 2 . | 0.24 KB, HTML | That's how I knew it's name, picture and what it did. Which is why it's not even 10:00 and here I am, typing. That teaches our youth that it's okay to agree to help someone, and then ruin their experiment. Pikachu! As we say in Texas, you couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel. "Purified" water. Sleeping is fun. I just keep going, and going and going. AhhhI see your confusion! Make A Target Customer Profile You must be caught in a time warp. Then you'll see these cute little "days-of-the-week" earrings at the mall, and you'll just have to get a few sets, just in case you lose some. Seeya! It was as if it had been just sitting therewaiting for me to discover it. were stuck in here, (alone my dear) and well problem never get out so dont start to shout. Sometimes I just do this, you know? I'll probably have another one soon, but that whole water thing has been buggin me for awhile. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. That would explain that annoying green little blinkie light in them. Cold Email Calculator After all, you're a responsible, intelligent person who apparently has a lot of time on your hands. I don't care if I have to ride the bus home if I stop work. Woooo! By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. .s5ap8yh1b4ZfwxvHizW3f{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);padding-top:5px}.s5ap8yh1b4ZfwxvHizW3f._19JhaP1slDQqu2XgT3vVS0{color:#ea0027} Newspaper Name Generator Also, I guess I still am trying to get the world record. I'm in the coast I'm a ghost but means I cant roast your to toast I'm Glowing And still flowing and I'm gonna grab that dough before I blow Especially since I just saw The Matrix: Reloaded. After all, no one would really care if I quit updating this site. You emit more stupid in one minute than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Because you always, every second of the day, touch my heart. They'll probably just call us weird and laugh at us, but that's beside the point! RISE UP AND BARE YOUR BISCUIT FILTY FANGS AT THE LEASH WIELDING DEMON!! And not so cheesed off about the whole tootsie roll pop thing. According to my theory that everything is real. What does this mean to you? Well, I better leave before I go on and on about more "reality" theories. 1 In the beginning God (Elohim) created [by forming from nothing] the heavens and the earth. Wow. You could travel in a straight line at the speed of light for a million years and all you'd prove is that the universe is really, really big. You clouted boggish foot-licking half-twit. CHECK OUT MY ARMPITS!!! It's a cheap shot." WE have been having very profound thoughts lately. It was sad. We got there, we ate. That makes complete and total sense! stood her ground, faced them directly in the eye, and simply said "If you're being mugged, just say no. You can copy and paste these art pieces using the buttons below each piece. Login . I'll tell you. Oh, and don't forget to celebrate Mad Hatter Day on October the 6th. OkayI can do it. It'd be like someone thinking that scabs are atractive, 'case they protect you from disease. But then I listened to some of the new music I put on my site and mellowed out. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And the preceding generations became brain-washed (possibly through subliminal messages in sun-tan lotion commercials) to believe tans were expected. Subject Line Generator, Content Marketing Guides: And the lady representing them, calls the radio stationon a phone. Meeting Request Templates | 7.29 KB, C | If you can spare any of these items, please e-mail them to me. I don't think I have any conspiracy theoriesexcept pop-ups/pop-unders. That's what they need to do with the water. Look how long this has gotten. Title Generator Is it possible to make less sense? You took your last vacation in the Islets of Langerhans. Easiest Font To Read Work From Home Successfully I am simply explaining why I, personally, refuse to swim, go to the beach, sunbathe, leave the house, etc. You have the personality of wallpaper. He acted like he was really being tortured and stuff. I love you. Remember: if the show sucks, it's their fault, not ours! I don't have much of a choice about the whole work thing. Did you know, that Kodak was part of the conspiracy to assasinate John F. Kennedy. Stay tuned to hear my thoughts on tanning, and an evil card game, and who knows what elseOkay I'm back. who keeps asking if you can hear him. If you're awake to hear it, chances are that you've already noticed the smoke, fire and eminent danger. Then, when it's in German, or whatever, translate it back to English. You are the unholy spawn of a bandy-legged hobo and a syphilitic camel. Outside your body. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. January 13, 2023 Performance by Ujala Qazi. I learned this from my calculator. I suppose that is the bane of all authors. We're not sure. It doesn't matter. You seeknowledge is good. By the time the smoke dector goes off, the fire has drowned it out to no more than an annoying buzz. Unfortuantly, we had already driven 337 miles toward our destination. Isn't vast a funny word? I'll just go on and on about how crazy you COULD be. Unless someone does something, Neo, Morpheus and many others will die. Here I am, trying to get a decent nights sleep and there's this green light that periodically blinks to red directly in front of me. I haven't exactly advertised this site. I should be asleep. Spooky how accurate they areanyway, I command you to go! *yet another highly dramatic, time-consuming sigh* I need a topic. I once*embarassed pause* had "Hey, You! CAT CHOW!!! email privacy 3. Saw this Meta post in r/ChangedFurry and decided to AI generated text about how it would fuck vaporeon. Generate fun, amusing and insulting insults with the Insult Generator. Number Ten: This is the list that never ends. Too bad. How absurd. It sets a perfect example for you young, impressionable minds. Between her bickering with my sister, and obsessivly playing neopets games, I don't know what to do with her. The single greatest invention of the computer gods. It looks right. While you wait for yesterday's tomorrow, lunge back and remember that day. I'm back. So far this is nowhere near the world record. Especially since I don't have viewers. Or possibly rightthat would be scary. Out loud. You cannot judge them simply because they have no apparant function. I don't mean to insult you if you DO have a tan. Anyway, seeya! Those TACO buttons don't make themselves, you know. But I can't help but think of stuff like the evil over lord list and REALLY REALLY BIG BUTTON THAT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING. Lepers avoid you. Should you refuse to aknowledge the Patron Saint of Paper Clips as the ruler of the Internet, you will be subjected to punishment as stated in Code 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook (i.e. But, believe me, it's MUCH more practical than the alternative. I am not afraid to say that I love you and constantly praying for you. You might be asked a question about them on a quiz show. Wellthat just makes me filled with gooey happiness. Copywriting Quotes Why, because they assume it's better quality. Email (Friday January 13th, 2023), Click On Link to Sales Page (this is the 1st email in a course launch sequence), Copywriting Concepts's Copywriting Concepts, Tech House Producers (sub genre of house music). ON TO THE CONPIRACY OF THE DAY! I'm just as upset about this unfortunate lack of development in the pie division. In return companies would make a profit, pay their workers better. ._1sDtEhccxFpHDn2RUhxmSq{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-flow:row nowrap;flex-flow:row nowrap}._1d4NeAxWOiy0JPz7aXRI64{color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText)}.icon._3tMM22A0evCEmrIk-8z4zO{margin:-2px 8px 0 0} Then he preceeded to trash my room, scattering kleenex everywhere. 16 min ago So. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it ever so much more rapidly. I hadn't had a genuine sugar rush since I was 11. 63 Brutal Roasts for a Long-Lasting Burn. I bet you wanna go eat some Ketchup covered Dum-B Gon right now, while watching "reality" TV. Roasting can Stock up now with our Valu-Pak to recieve 3-metric tons of Ketchup, all for the low, low price of your brain, since you're obviously not using it anyway. Twitter Idea Generator This is chaos. For more information, e-mail Wellseeya! I know a topic! I know these changes are going to massively increase my conversion. I'll add that to the FLAMING CHICKENS HANDBOOK. How to Get Your Posts Seen well never know but oh crap its starting to snow and its time to show and tell about the well that you found last summer at camp when it was damp it was near the ramp oh god why must this be I liked that tree but now its gone, farewell so long Ill miss you as long as you write but then Im afraid to say good-night. E-mail. But it's not. And almost never finish. Unfortunatly, I once again am devoid of a topic. UnfortunantlyI must leavebefore the confusion spreads and I do something stupidlike revealing my one weakness before youTHAT'S IT! That's not fair! Unless you have a digital camera, which are a symbol of freedom from the old ways and willing enslavement to the new ways. ALWAYS. I'm not sure why. Proud to be weird. Every single person you know could just be figments of your imagination, you could even be in a crazy house! Everyone plonked you long ago. No matter how unlikely something is, if the universe is infinite, it's happening an infinite number of times. Most people actually like to spend long periods of time exposing their vulnerable skin to the harmful rays of the sun. Direct Mail Marketing Guide My mother visited relatives. The distance between the two extremes of how much I could have won is 1000np, making me feel like I've won much more than if I'd played a normal game. You must be pretty bored, too. How do you PROVE something is not infinite? we clapped. Your mother had to tie a pork chop around your neck just to get your dog to play with you. You worthless bag of filth. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. 4. But I'd like to take this time to thank the 2 and 1/2 people in the entire universe who have bothered to read this entire thing. So, it is now up to you, the imaginary reader, to decide whether I mean probley or problemit's almost like a game! is an online social site and it's not affiliated with Suzanne Collins, Scholastic, Lionsgate Entertainment, Endemol, Big Brother TV show or any other party related to the social games that can be found in this site. Each Friday, I wait (all tingly with anticipation) for the weekend so that I can stay up 'till the wee hours of the morning and sleep past noon. What does it sound like? I know. Quasar stupid. You see, if you memorize stuff, you only have to remember that the answer to number 6 is Clara Barton for a week, rather than having to remember that Clara Barton started the Red Cross for the rest of you life. It's a small light, but it's sooooooo annoying. They associated tans with hard, manuel labor. Job Interview Questions Seeya! Another article claims that an anitseptic turned a polar bear purple, drawing large crowds of people. This is my epiphany of stupid. OR something. Try it. I'm like the little engine that could. Plain Language Course GeeI wish I'd thought of that sooner. maybe the longest text ever. When she came back, 'lo and behold, she had a tan. CHEESE!!! This would have resulted in the deaths of numerous pedistriansand I would still probably be wondering around in search of a McDonalds. Three Tiered Pricing Should you violate this right, you will become destroyed or possibly dizzy. i'll copy and paste this to my site. Because there are an infinite number of people on either side of the spectrum. You are a waste of flesh. Well, seeya *waves brightly* I got to go to my Grendel (really cool book) project for school. Because that would be impossible. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. A profound statement, if I ever heard one. And she doesn't even LIKE carrots! It took him to my quiz page. Code: 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook states that the Patron Saint of Paper Clips (thats me) is allowed to cause vague, pain like sensations while the offending person (or alien life form, dog, etc.) Whatever the case, I decided that the whole world, (or three of four random people) deserve to know that if the world and or universe are destroyed, it's the evil, little, white, feather's fault. I promise. Maybe we're just really, really tired and had sugar. You are not going to fully cook the roast at this time. Those are the best kind. Clincher Sentences Wouldn't it make more sense to get a kazoo, if you're broke? ._3-SW6hQX6gXK9G4FM74obr{display:inline-block;vertical-align:text-bottom;width:16px;height:16px;font-size:16px;line-height:16px} If you expect nothing and get something, you're happy. I only know that I'm entertaining me, which was my original goal. Perhaps you don't have time to waste e-mailing me. Boy if you dont shut yo soy boy Hatfiewds and McCoys Geowgia dome chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan indiana jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiend zone sywvestew stawwone siewwa weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone Ching Chong wing wong suck my ding dong pubg fowtnite wemote contwow autism Down syndwome type fouw diabetes banana peew jack and Jiww wan up a hiww oWeiwwy auto pawts siwvew bwonze ash ambient wight pen sushi wamen Hawwison Fowd gamew bitch viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine antihistamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween defective spween smokescween Pauwa dean gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine Eugene extwa gween nicotine Vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein washew machine wightening McQueen vending machine whatchu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up. Do you really expect your delusional and incoherent ramblings to be read? I must defeat the sister site of the Longest Text Ever! You see, most people, they don't like reading or writing. I'm sorry that today's rant isn't random, insane or completely chaotic, but I must right my experience with The Matrix before I forget. I don't understand it. Aren't I special? This choice is simply an extension of his original choice: he will save Trinity at all costs. Did I mention that, yet. If there are an infinte number of worlds with human life, than there are an infinte number of worlds that have someone exactly like you, with only a few key differences. No? "Lots of death, lots and lots of death in this section. It deludes all of American's sweet, innocent, candy-loving children into thinking that a cartoon owl is smarter than they are! And I only took the quiz once, too. Number Five: I could have read more books, played more video games and watched more mindless television. An example of a copypasta is, "Don't care + Didn't ask + Cry about it + Stay mad + Get real + L". Girls began wearing skimpier, and skimpier bathing suits. Wasn't that semi-entertaining? You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Good roasts can enliven and bring joy to awkward dinners and parties if . It just looks weird. Seeya! I, personally, am obsessed with, kitties, bunnies, bats, this website, drawing, making intriate little patterns with strings, doing mildly repetitive activities, being weird, apparantly making lists and cheeseand chickensand flame. Sonow I am down to one and a half readers. Here are Cute Paragraphs For Her Copy And Paste. Any miniute now. It's a worthy cause! I don't want year-round classes. And absolutly NO air-pressure. Still no? They could do anything they wanted to, if they just put their minds to it. Email List Ideas (and Generator) i couldn't hear it because someone had put the speakers facing the audience. 5000 hits! And did I mention that you smell? My mom said that she didn't care. I'm so happy! But for a different reason. Hours of completly useless fun! Why bother asking? School has been on for four days now. Time for another boring disclaimer!!!!!!! All contents of this site were designed for entertainment purposes only. Could the pop-up blocker people have chosen a better means to advertise their product? I bet it does. HUH? Follow Up Email Templates Because in some world, the video game is real. What if, eventually, Earth's gravity get's very very strong, and we all imploud from the squishyness? I mean, don't you think the creators of Cheese-Nips had a box of Cheez-Its out when they were designing their product? Sofor the first time in about 5 yearsI wore a dressand something that was complelty white. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things to be difficult. Come on everyone, group hug. This is specified in Code: 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook. I've heard of poems and stuff written by people who were high, insane or paranoid. Another thing that bothers me is organ grinders. But it's legs were still moving and it was alive. I could be playing neopets, but ever since my bad experience with Treasure Planet, I don't feel like it. The moment Neo woke from dreams of Trinity's death, he made a choice. I don't think there actually are any. Isnt' that nice? She tracks the feather smell all over the house, and goes crazy whenever I take it out of my pocket. Different thing '' signs are doing just what they need to do with the water perfect. People are coming hereI have proof Insult Generator, they do n't have much of a bandy-legged hobo and syphilitic. Were designed for entertainment purposes only the lady representing them, calls the radio a... He acted like he was really being tortured and stuff written by people who were high, insane paranoid... Remember writing any of these items, please e-mail them to me it be... 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Pop Culture Anniversaries In 2023, Articles R
Pop Culture Anniversaries In 2023, Articles R