Functions that were previously thought to require an office and colocation of teams were instead successfully performed at home. Under-reporting is also common. Scenario 2: continue current recruitment rate or achieve at least 5/10 immediately Where existing skill sets were all located in one region, analysis was undertaken to identify employees elsewhere with the necessary capabilities who could be reassigned if needed to avoid a skills shortage. We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. BOM Weather is the Bureau of Meteorology's weather app, giving you accurate weather information at your fingertips. Among other things, there was a delay in establishing mobile recovery centres, which were crucial for smaller communities, the report said. WebBy working with not against nature, and diversifying our farms, landscapes, fishing waters and the foods we eat, agroecology supports biodiversity, contributes to the majority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promotes resilience. It is sometimes referred to as thriving and not just surviving. Opposition Leader Chris Minns said he would support the dismantling of the agency, which is within the Department of Premier and Cabinet. This morningMichael Cassel was announced as the acting CEO for the authority. Non-frontline employees are much more satisfied with their access to flexible working arrangements (77.8%) than frontline employees (48.7%). Info on 1200+ water monitoring sites in NSW such as stream, storage or groundwater levels, flows, volumes, temperatures. Make and enquiry or complaint to our office. Resilience NSW is responsible for, funds and co-authors publications and reports relevant to our role in transforming the whole-of-government approach to disaster management. Commissioner Fitzsimmons said he wanted to understand the disaster resilience of each community as the draft State Resilience Strategy (SRS) was being developed. The report also recommended a fifth deputy commissioner position to be created within NSW Police to focus on responding to and recovering from natural disasters. The NSW public sectors capacity to succeed during 2020 was partly a product of workforce resilience. This includes up-to-date information about new and active cases in NSW, hotspots, testing locations, total number of tests performed, total confirmed cases and lives lost. With Transport offices and employees spread across the state, the extent of fires caused unprecedented safety concerns for its workforce. Clearly, the benefits of flexible working are not yet shared equally across the sector (see Figure 3.2). The NSW Government is working to transition Resilience NSWs functions, staff and budgets to maximise the Governments response and recovery capability. More than The BOM weather app includes current conditions, forecasts, warnings and radar. The PSC launched the Strategic Workforce Planning Inspire Collaborative as a whole-of-sector initiative that aims to connect human resource and workforce planning practitioners. Resilience NSW will ensure complaints are promptly and properly dealt with. This is vital for organisations that want to effectively respond to trends, events and shifts that can occur in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. (2016), 13 Bartlett and Bartlett (2011); Feij, Grf, Pearce and Fassa (2019). As NSW Rural Fire Service commissioner, Shane Fitzsimmons became a nationally recognised figure during the devastating 2019-20 bushfire season. The causes of bullying and other negative behaviours are complex, with individual, occupational and organisational factors influencing the incidence of such behaviour.13 Concerted action at the organisational level is needed to ensure that workplace cultures do not enable these negative behaviours, and that when they do occur, people feel comfortable about reporting them and have confidence in the avenues for redress. Aboriginal employment levels in 2020 remained at 3.5% and if we Resilience NSW was established by former premier Gladys Berejiklian in response to the Black Summer bushfires, installing Fitzsimmons then Rural Fire Service commissioner as its boss. Aboriginal employment levels in 2020 remained at 3.5% and if we continue our current trajectory, we are on track to achieve, and potentially exceed, our target of doubling the number of Aboriginal people in senior leadership roles from 57 in 2014 to 114 by 2025. Resilience is about being able to process and understand your response to stress and difficulties and actively work through it, instead of shutting down and going numb. The results of having a diverse, inclusive workforce were never more clearly demonstrated than in 2020, when the NSW public sector was able to respond to new challenges and chart a course towards recovery. The Community responded very favourably to this new program of webinars, appreciating their consistency and high quality. [2] It replaced the Office of Emergency Management, an office within the Department of Communities and Justice. Resilience NSW has been abolished and commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons who rose to prominence during the Black Summer bushfires made redundant. As in previous years, senior managers, managers and colleagues at the same level were the most common perpetrators of bullying, according to survey respondents (see Table 3.3), suggesting that workplace culture has a large part to play. Responsibilities. He formerly served as a professional NSW firefighter for 15 years. He refused to be drawn on why Mr Fitzsimmons wasn't the right person to lead the Reconstruction Authority. Now, as the inaugural head of Resilience NSW, he is tasked with preparing Australias most populous state for an uncertain future. Were building a sustainable network of high-tech, end-to-end manufacturing solutions to help ensure the medicines of today and tomorrow can be made quickly, safely and at scale. Although the rates of these negative behaviours are much lower than for bullying 0.9% for physical harm, 4.4% for threat of harm and 3.8% for sexual harassment they are still far too high. Our external complaint management system is designed to: We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. This follows Commissioner Fitzsimmons retirement after decades of service in the RFS, including 12 years as its leader. The Morning Edition newsletter is our guide to the days most important and interesting stories, analysis and insights. "I think unfortunately a lot of roles and responsibilities that are not ours are being attributed to my staff," he told the ABC. The current Aboriginal Employment Strategy 20192025 takes a career pathway approach to improving the employment of Aboriginal people across the sector and includes practical actions for developing a pipeline of senior Aboriginal leaders. "I think this shows a complete lack of foresight, the government has effectively sacked the nation's most experienced emergency management leader at the worst possible time, especially given we're in our third La Nia event and we're well into the bushfire season.". Please visit Microsoft to upgrade to MS Edge. Transport used this analysis to map roles with the potential to spread COVID-19 throughout the state should an employee be infected, and to identify employees who have the most contact with people. WebNSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian today announced the creation of a new NSW Government agency, Resilience NSW, which will drive world-leading disaster preparedness and recovery A report into this years floods found the existing agency didnt deliver during the disaster. In the 2020 People Matter survey, it was defined as: repeated unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or group of workers. His termination will attract a redundancy payout of 38 weeks. While having most employees working from home on a full-time basis was new, the sector has been growing its capability for flexible working since 2016, when flexible working was prioritised. The SRS will define NSWs collective vision for a state thats resilient to natural hazards, underpinned by state-wide outcomes and goals, he said. In 2020, each cluster conducted a pay equity audit, with assistance from the PSC. To achieve its target, the NSW public sector needs to recruit six women for every 10 senior leadership roles (see Scenario 3 in Figure 3.3). Scenario 1: three year average recruitment rate Collapsing Resilience NSW was a key recommendation of former police commissioner Mick Fuller and Professor Mary OKanes flood inquiry report in August, which called for the bloated agency to be reshaped into a leaner body, and its responsibilities reallocated to other departments. It was created by former premier Gladys A NSW Source: People Matter Employee Survey (2019, 2020). However, it is worth noting that when given the opportunity to report their disability status anonymously, such as through the People Matter survey, the sector produces a higher rate of disability representation (4.3% in 2020). In March, a new threat emerged one that would impact the entire workforce and customer base: COVID-19. They were also more likely to have reported experiencing bullying in the previous 12 months (17.1% compared to 13.9% for the sector). The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government has today committed to increase compensation for volunteers who are seriously injured while performing duties. Log In Latest in Politics View all in Politics Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. The PSC will be working with the sector over the next few years to ensure this happens. Frequent analysis and workforce planning enabled Transport to have a plan for quickly responding to staff shortages and being cognisant of staff members who might require additional support under increasing pressure. The Workforce Profile collection provides deeper analysis on workforce issues and characteristics. A number of factors contribute to how well people adapt to adversities, predominant among them: the ways in which individuals view and engage with Sign up here. WebOutgoing Resilience NSW Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons believes his job was doomed the moment the first flood arrived this year, as an ill-prepared state government looked for someone to blame. Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from setbacks. It was important to us that even with the heightened concern while operating in a crisis, employee confidentiality was maintained and didnt get overlooked in the pressure to get information out quickly. In a statement, Minister for Emergency Services, Resilience and Flood Recovery Steph Cooke acknowledged Fitzsimmons service to NSW for more than 30 years. our privacy policy. Five states bracing for destructive storm. Outgoing Resilience NSW boss Shane Fitzsimmons has been terminated from the NSW public service. Bush fire and emergency rescue volunteers are pillars of our community and we are committed to enhancing compensation payments to reflect the service they provide to the public, Mr Tudehope said. October 20, 2021. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. WebResilience is the psychological quality that allows some people to be knocked down by the adversities of life and come back at least as strong as before. Web6 April 2020. The harmful consequences of bullying at both the individual and organisational level are well established and undermine our efforts to create a positive workplace culture.12. This flexibility allowed employees to balance the changes brought by the COVID19 crisis, such as additional childcare responsibilities caused by the shift to home-based schooling for many students. Advocate for a smooth transition of Resilience NSW functions and Machinery of Government changes. This was a trigger for the Workforce Analytics team starting to use workforce data in new ways, then developing a cluster-wide geographical overview of employeehome and work locations. The PSC is also working with the sector to better integrate employment and career development initiatives for women into the broader inclusion agenda. Resilience NSW will lead the whole-of-government prevention, preparedness and recovery effort. It will oversee and coordinate emergency management policy, service delivery and all aspects of disaster recovery at a state, national and international level, Commissioner Fitzsimmons said. 3:47pm Aug 4, 2022 Resilience NSW is set to be scrapped and its commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons stood down as the state government overhauls its Resilience NSW boss confirms his position terminated, agency defunct. Add event to calendar iCal. It also manages the enrolment of electors and prepares Resilience NSW boss Shane Fitzsimmons has been officially dumped from the public service, and the agency he oversaw formally abolished, as part of an overhaul of disaster management triggered by the states devastating floods. He told a September budget estimates hearing there had never been a more comprehensive, expeditious and cooperative pursuit to recovery. Former RFS commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons made redundant from Resilience NSW, For the latestflood and weather warnings, search onABC Emergency, Keep up with all the action on day 3of the Australian Open, Keep across all the live scores and results from the Australian Open at Melbourne Park. Please try again later. Other forms of flexibility were also embraced more readily (see Figure 3.1), with 78.4% of sector employees reporting that they used at least one type of flexibility over the preceding 12 months (an increase of 15.9% since 2019). The New South Wales government will overhaul some of its key disaster agencies in response to the independent flood inquirys report. Similar challenges confront the sector in terms of LGBTIQA+ employees, who reported higher levels of mental ill health than other staff members in 2020 (22.6% compared to 8.7% for the sector). Includes resources to help managers become disability confident, inform employees with disability, and how to make workplaces inclusive for people with disability. The People Matter survey consistently shows that learning and development is a key driver of employee engagement. Information on decisions and rulings made by the Commissioner since 2013. Agencies that exemplify good practice formally link employee performance management with broader organisational strategy. "In an emergency, you've got a limited amount of time to make critical calls and you can't afford to have a situation where a public servant has to battle many levels of bureaucracy in order to save people's lives or save property.". Following the flood inquiry's criticism of Resilience NSW, formerBega MP Andrew Constance defended him, and said he "deserved better". It continues to serve as a tool to navigate the rapid pace of change in the workplace and help leaders make informed longer-term decisions for the workforce. [5] It will be replaced by the NSW Reconstruction Authority after legislation passed in November that year. Released by: NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian today announced the creation of a new NSW Government agency, Resilience NSW, which will drive world-leading disaster preparedness and recovery approach for the NSW community. This is where performance management comes into play. It will instead be in charge of the first 100 days following natural disasters. NSW government will move to dismantle Resilience NSW following independent flood inquiry, For the latestflood and weather warnings, search onABC Emergency, Keep up with all the action on day 3of the Australian Open, Keep across all the live scores and results from the Australian Open at Melbourne Park. Mick Fuller and Professor Mary OKanes flood inquiry report. WebSelling to the NSW Government; Faster Payment Terms; Building small business resilience; Outdoor Dining; Agritourism; Making Business Easier; Improving local procurement Following the floods which devastated northern NSW earlier this year, an inquiry was launched to investigate the response to and recovery from the catastrophic event. There was never a more important time to make sure that communities devastated by drought, bushfires and now COVID-19 are getting the help they need to rebuild and recover., The following buttons will open a feedback form below. The network already boasts more than 1,000 members, 17.0% of whom are based in regional or remote NSW. One of the achievements I am most proud of this year is the high level of confidentiality that we have maintained, especially because we were operating in a previously unseen crisis. Transport employee. Providing our members financial certainty that if they are injured while volunteering will be of great help in reducing burden and stress, Commissioner York said. Based on the latest projections, we are still likely to fall short of our goal of 5.6% employment of people with disability by 2025. WebThe NSW public sector retains its status as one of the countrys leading employers of Aboriginal people. Workforce Profile data reveals that in 2020 the level of representation of women in senior leadership slightly improved, from 40.3% to 41.1% (see Figure 3.3). The agency headed by former Rural fire service commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons has been widely criticised and a seperate inquiry into the floods recommended it be abandoned. Minister for There was enormous confusion about what their role was. Volunteers who turn up in a time of crisis deserve this support when they suffer serious injury.. Mr Fitzsimmons resigned from the Rural Fire Service in April 2020, and he accepted a job leading Resilience NSW a job he said he took with "great trepidation". The rules and guidelines for work in the sector. At least 16 will move to the Department of Communities and Justice and about five positions will join the NSW Police ranks. This report covers Resilience NSW for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. The move comes as the government prepares to abolish Resilience NSW and replace it with the Reconstruction Authority following a scathing review by the independent flood inquiry earlier this year. These webinars were delivered live but were also available online afterwards so that members could view them at their convenience. Minister for Finance and Employee Relations Damien Tudehope said this commitment will enhance support to injured volunteers and their families. It differs from operational and tactical workforce planning because it is longer-term planning and often covers a period of three to five years. Bullying has been a problem for the sector for many years. It described failures of leadership at Resilience NSW and recommended the agency be dramatically scaled down. Since April, the NSW Government has provided daily updates on COVID-19 cases in NSW on its website. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, Establishing new parks and protected areas, Current park closures, fire and safety alerts. Annual reporting is an integral part the NSW Governments corporate governance framework, describing the achievements, performance, outlook and financial position of agencies for each reporting year. Your rating will help us improve the website. While the foundations for data-led workforce planning have been in place for some time, the crises of 2020 have accelerated the businesss dependence on workforce planning as a fundamental pillar of successful operations. Critically, the report has recommended the government consider restructuring NSW emergency services and potentially scrapping the $775 million Resilience NSW. Includes targets and support for gender equality, LGBTIQ+ network resources and support, legal requirements and best practice reports. Our external complaint management system is designed to: Mr Fitzsimmons was hailed a hero after the 20192020 bushfires thatravaged the state andkilled 33 people directly,and 450 others from smoke inhalation. To boost inclusion, the sector needs to reduce negative behaviours such as bullying, physical harm and sexual harassment. We know the next six months will be very difficult but we must already turn our mind to recovery. In early 2020, the Transport Workforce Analytics team obtained data from the Rural Fire Service on the local government areas impacted by fires during the 201920 season. Once legislation is passed in the next term of Government, volunteers will have confidence that they will be financially supported if injured on the job.. Biographies and information on our current board members. To improve your experience, Watch every Australian Open match on every court free here, is set to be scrapped and its commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons stood down as the state government overhauls its. Resilience NSW Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons faced questions on on Wednesday about the agency's effectiveness, as many residents of flood-ravaged northern NSW remained without electricity six weeks after the first round of flooding. And projections indicate that even if we immediately improved our recruitment rate to reach 46.0% (see Scenario 2), we would still fall short of our target of having 50% of senior leadership roles held by women (see Scenario 3). The quick provision of employee data was welcomed across the business, although it did bring its own challenges. Resilience NSWs approach to recovery centres was slow and often inconsistent. I make decisions based on what is right in the best interest of the people of the state.. Nine lives were lost in the floods which spanned fromthe Northern Rivers region down to the Illawarra and west to Broken Hill. "It makes a lot of sense putting police at the front and centre of disaster management," Kevin Morton from the police association said. WebResilience NSW commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons has been stood down from his role as the government begins to instigate the changes to its disaster response agencies. It is understood he told the meeting it was not his decision to resign or retire early, but that his position had been abolished under an executive provision of termination from the $345,000 to $487,000-a-year role. People with disability also remain under-represented in the workforce, at only 2.4% representation in 2020 (a slight reduction from 2.5% in 2019). The head of Resilience NSW reports to Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience, presently Steph Cooke.[3]. These outcomes include improved performance, increased productivity, the attraction and retention of the best talent from the widest possible pool, satisfied customers, better decision making and innovation, and a high sense of employee wellbeing.10. Former Transport Minister Andrew Constance posted a video ofsupport for Mr Fitzsimmons to his followers on social media. A great deal of the reports findings in relation to Resilience NSW are seemingly based on inaccurate or incorrect information and assumptions., At a glance: key recommendations of the NSW flood inquiry report, Emergency housing rollout across flood-hit NSW north coast a dogs breakfast, critics say, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Following an inquiry into the response to the 2022 New South Wales floods, Resilience NSW was found to be bureaucratic and ineffective, with the agency be dissolved. NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has stood by the decision to dump Resilience NSW commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons, saying the move was not Resources to support senior leaders contemplating an organisation restructure. The push to allow all roles to be flexible on an if not, why not basis provided the foundations for the sectors rapid change to remote working. Very large text size. These insights were provided to the COVID-19 taskforce and used to create support materials throughout the pandemic. In a year of rapid and widespread change to working arrangements, data-led workforce planning has never been more important. The sector was able to embrace this dramatic change. Within this order Resilience NSW was established as a Public Service Executive Agency related to the Department of Premier and Cabinet[4] with the following responsible ministers: On 1 April 2022 by the Administrative Arrangements (Second Perrottet MinistryTransitional) Order 2021, Resilience NSW was transferred back to the Department of Communities and Justice under the Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience. Nonetheless, the improvements to date have been noticed by the sector, with 64.4% of People Matter survey respondents affirming their senior managers commitment to supporting the career advancement of women, up from 61.1% in 2019. "The report includes recommendations that will have impacts for communities, volunteers and first responders.". Property News:House prices in some school catchments explode by up to $367,000 -, Your web browser is no longer supported. 297 Already a subscriber? Biographies and information on our senior executives. Shane has worked tirelessly for the people of NSW and I cant thank him enough for his dedicated service and support.. Our performance is testament to our people, who were able to draw on their diverse backgrounds and capabilities to rise to the challenges of the year. The inquiry was commissionedto investigate the preparationfor, causes of and response to the catastrophic floods across NSW earlier this year. WebResilience NSW commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons has been stood down from his role as the government begins to instigate the changes to its disaster response agencies. "For goodness sake. In 2020, 71.4% of People Matter survey respondents agreed that they had the tools and technology to do their job well. Only 61.7% of People Matter survey respondents report receiving the training and development they need to do their job well a 4.0% reduction from 2019. He led the state through the Black Summer bushfire disaster and oversaw recovery efforts in response to this years unprecedented flooding disasters, she said. Resilience NSW will lead the whole-of-government prevention, preparedness and recovery effort. The Workforce Analytics team was prepared to respond with insight packs about Transport employees and their work and home locations across the state. We know the next six months will be very difficult but we must already turn our mind to recovery. The NSW Police Force will create a new deputy commissioners role to deal exclusively with emergencies and disasters, clearing the way for the government to scrap Resilience NSW. In 2020, strategic workforce planning provided a foundation to effectively respond to the unpredictable challenges presented by the bushfires and COVID-19. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Resilience NSW was heavily criticised for its response to the floods in the Northern Rivers during February and March and was under review by a recent independent flood inquiry. Minister for Finance and Employee Relations Damien Tudehope said this commitment will enhance support to injured volunteers and their families. More than 200 staff attended a meeting on Thursday afternoon at which Mr Fitzsimmons revealed it had not been his choice to leave the public service after more than 30 years. In the years following the agency faced scrutiny over its role, budget and employee-related expenses amounting to $38.5 million for 245 staff. Favourably to this new program of webinars, appreciating their consistency and high quality had never more! Collaborative as a whole-of-sector initiative that aims to connect human resource and workforce planning because is. Be replaced by the commissioner since 2013 colocation of teams were instead successfully performed at home the and! 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