She is of Native American, Irish, French and Jamaican ancestry. Raven, first off just know that you are loved. Im an advocate for mental health therapy and counseling, Ive seen it change and save lives. All net worths are calculated by applying a proprietary algorithm. Dont let these things get to you. Although its no consolation right this moment, know that these things WILL get better and you WILL feel better. Were here for the ride, no matter how many ups and downs. It lets me know that Im not alone in feeling insecure about myself, even when people are constantly complimenting me. Ive become so depressed, I dont go out or hangout with people because Im so ashamed of the way I look. Also your doing a great job a mom:). She created a popular Tumblr blog called RayBabyRay. You may track her as @ravenelyse on his Instagram account. I work in social media. Are we going to look back at 60 when beauty doesnt matter and say why did I not live out my 20s? You sharing your journey about your acne and depression have helped me push through some really low times in my life. They math the cabinets so perfectly. I can totally relate to this post, I love your disclaimer, about it not being inspirational, and its going to be whiney lol but honestly I think its very brave of you to put your true raw feelings about yourself like that(thats inspiring to me). I pray your strength and that things turn around for you. The thing is, I cant wake up in a brand new shell. With her in-depth knowledge of fashion and beauty products, Raven guides her fans on how to create various looks for different special events and functions. Thanks for venting and just being real. Xoxo I hope I inspired you to do so for your daughter. Ive always had some level of self-confidence, some small voice in my head saying Its okay girl, youre beautiful! but that voice is dead. We've all been waiting an entire year for this moment! Raven is 28 years old and she celebrates her birthday on September 17 every year. New YouTube video just went up showing how I decluttered hundreds of products and re-organized my master bathroom! I am human, obviously. totally considering a boob job whenever possible lol. Its just crazy how your physical appearance can have such a huge effect on all aspects of your life. We know Raven Elyse since a child. I would love to be your friend and by friend obviously this would be a long distance friendship. Im older I am not judgmental and Ive been through a lot, been all over the world. So all of these things helped me to still feel like myself even with a face full of severe acne. Ive wasted my time obsessing over it, for years, for nothing. Her most popular videos include Glowing Acne Coverage Everyday Makeup Routine | RAVEN ELYSE, and DOES IT WORK? Required fields are marked *. She created a popular Tumblr blog as well called RayBabyRay. And it hurts that people still ask me about that all the time. RAVEN ELYSE's Tweets. As many people as there are praying on your downfall, theres five times as many praying for your success. I just wanted to let you know, I am a first time mom of a 19 month old boy, I had him when I was 24 (now Im 25) Youre videos with you and Ziya inspire me and make me so happy! Best friends Raven and Chelsea, both divorced mothers, are now raising their children in a house together. We need more bloggers and influencers like you to share their truth and show younger generations, like our own daughters, we all have flaws and how to embrace them and live our best life, spreading love but first loving ourselves ! On his Instagram account, he has 368K followers. But thats another blog post. I obvi dont know you personally but I think you may have some type of body dysmorphia. Most of Raven's money comes from being a youtuber. I myself have been struggling with skin problems, weight, and just overall sadness. You will. I was embarrassed to talk them anyway. My Modern Farmhouse Kitchen - My Modern Farmhouse Kitchen Home Decor August 15, 2019 [et_pb_section] [et_pb_row] [et_pb_column type="4_4] [et_pb_text] I fell in love with my new house the minute I saw the large, open family room and kitchen area with the oversized patio doors and windows. In addition to that, she runs her own self-titled podcast and home decor company. From the ages of maybe 15-19 years old, I lived on Tumblr. She gained so much weight. Eventually I will get to a point where Im confident in my own skin. Youre the definition of a a very strong woman. Ive struggled off and on with severe acne since College as well. She is a native of Cedar Park, Texas, and Raven Elyse Scott. Raven is alive and in good health. Right now, Im struggling. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Box 2454Cedar Park, TX 78630 ----FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS----LOCATION: TexasBIRTHDAY: September 1993ETHNICITY: African AmericanHEIGHT: 5'11DAUGHTER: Named Ziya, born April 2016 - MY CAMERAS: Canon Camera (for vlogging): Camera (for photography): - EDITING SOFTWARE: Final Cut Pro: (video editing)Adobe Photoshop: (photo editing and thumbnails)SUBSCRIBE LINK: I feel like diet helps with skin issues btw. my skin makes me the most insecure. On her Twitter account, she has 76.6 K followers. Her YouTube video, THE PERFECT HOUSE FOR US! My ears were ringing and I just wanted to leave. Raven stands at an average height and moderate weight. Keywords right now. Raven Elyse: Age, Husband, Career, and Net Worth, Miss Universe 2023 Winner Announced: Miss USA RBonney Gabriel Wins the Coveted Title. I definitely dont think you should feel bad at all about feeling like this. After having my daughter, I experienced post-partum depression and significant weight gain from BC. But all of that was made very difficult with my acne. Or am I crazy? Youve been warned. Something more obvious is that I photoshop my pictures. On his Twitter account, he has 78.1 K followers. Trust me girl, you are not alone. Raven Elyse (YouTuber): Age, Husband, Career, and Net Worth! Thats why I dont post very often anymore, it takes a lot of work to get something Im comfortable posting. There are no quick fixes though, its all going to take time. During those college years it definitely bothered me. Then, she later came up with a vlog called My Acne Journey 2012-13 (Severe Cystic Acne). In the clothing business Wet Seal she worked as a sales associate. I hope this and know this is not forever for you and that you will continue to go through it and be with it. Thanks for always being so transparent and sharing whats going on with you, Raven. I cant book anything with skin like this. Im sick of it. Youre really good at what you do and it shows through your fan base your family and of course your income. I found your channel through your acne journey and honestly YOU helped me to feel better about myself. Trust me, I too have been struggle with Acne and my image for 15+ years Im only 26, have 2 beautiful baby girls. I feel absolutely disgusting. just a virgo who likes to make stuff partnerships: the latest video from Raven Elyse (@ravenelysetv). That is all we know regarding her education. I know you are so tired of hearing this, but PLEASE do not be so hard on yourself. You make me smile every time I watch your content anywhere. You give me hope. I just want to say thank you for writing and sharing. I struggle with some of the same things you do as far as parenting, constantly questioning whether Im being the best parent I can be, if I should be doing more or doing things differently. love you Raven!!! #christmasdiy #christmasdecorating #christmasdecor #ravenelyse. I am a 23 year old mother to a three month old son and I know how hard it can be. I struggle with the fact that I have gained weight since Ive had my son and its SO hard to lose it. The atmosphere/air around you is filled with entities and energies, some light, some dark. Spoiler alert: Tumblr isnt the same anymore and I havent used the site in years. Contact: Posts Reels Videos Tagged Search Log In Youre exactly right, depression is a vicious cycle that distorts everything but remember you are strong through weakness you feel, you are a light amongst the darkness and its ok to not believe any of this but I hope deep down inside you know, and you write down the things you love about yourself in your highs so you can read them in your lows and hopfully that puts a small break in the cycle. She attended the University of North Texas and studied fashion design. Its something about feeling like youre not alone that makes the biggest difference and I get that when I watch your snaps/videos. Youre better than that and youre gorgeous and fierce as hell and I want you to own that again, You are a beautiful person inside and out and an amazing mother! Her parents are named Toni and Allen. She joined YouTube on February 3rd, 2013 and she posted her first video three weeks later called OOTD| Mixing Prints., Kendall Rae Youtuber, Bio, Wiki, Age, Height, Family, Husband, Podcast, And Net Worth, Destin Sandlin Podcast, Bio, Wiki, Age, Wife, Bike, Salary, and Net Worth, Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, List of States in the US, Alphabetical list of States in the U.S., and Abbreviation of States in United States. I truly hope my comment helps you in someway, even if it just gives you a little smile. Hello Raven! Once you clear your mind, good things come into play. Everyone is different, but I've personally just had some bad luck and a few set backs with trying to get my dream home decor done. I know all that Doesnt matter because whats important it how you feel about yourself , but I hope you find that happy place again and see what others see. Stress causes acne, and I dont even know how to become un-stressed. Youre beautiful inside and out, youre a great mother. I thought whoa, Im terrified to even go to the grocery store without makeup and here is someone saying this is me, take it or leave it. It does get better. Allow God to work with you, if you can, please pray to God. I have no curves to fill out the clothing, and I feel like a child playing dress up. She currently serves as the host of a podcas called On Another Note. Youre also so creative and artistically talented. Im 101lbs. Most of the time, it didnt feel like the people around me locally could relate to anything I was struggling with. Its your 30s that all that! Picking at my face, looking at my chest, applying creams and lotions, and just trying to imagine myself as a different person. Your may have tried this before but it does provide some relief for me. Raven Elyse earns most of her earnings from views, his blogs, and brand endorsement as a most popular YouTuber. RayBabyRay was the name of her well-known Tumblr site. It is Ravens third house hunting vlog!. There seems to be something going on in the YouTube influencer community in the last few months with many others feeling like youve been feeling and my heart goes out to you ladies. You WILL get through this. And I have flawsa lot of them. In 2016, she gave birth to a girl they called Saiya, who is named after her ex-boyfriend Chris. 1.6M Followers. She has continued posting a variety of videos and gained a great reputation throughout the years. Known online as Ray or RayRay, she is a fashion and beauty vlogger from the United States. As a well-known YouTuber, Raven Elyse makes most of her money through views, blogging, and brand endorsements. I recently gained a bunch of weight and hate looking in the mirror. The mind is a very powerful thing. Sold Out. Im already skinny and Im still juggling with my weight. I do hope you surpass these challenging times and once again find joy in your life. She appears to be quite tall if her photos, relative to his surroundings, are anything to go by. Things will get a little clearer after that, I guarantee. After her birth, I suddenly dropped 20 pounds, my hair thinned out, and my dark circles got worse. Some of it truthfully may never be fixed. Scrolling through the comments and just seeing how many people actually struggle with the same issues as me is comforting because a lot of the times I do feel as if Im the only one struggling with horrible acne and hyperpigmentation when everyone around me has clear skin. Ok sorry this is too long. *Click the notification bell so you don't miss any! I just dont want my 20s to be completely ruined by this. And maybe youll come to accept the way in which your purpose is being fulfilled by you sharing your less than perfect story with such a large platform and giving others like you comfort in understanding that were not alone. I understand completely how you feel and I know theres nothing I can say to convince you otherwise. It erupted into very severe cystic acne which left my whole face red, bumpy, swollen, and scarred. Now there is so much pressure to have big boobs and butt like strippers and other reality celebs have, that the average yet wonderful woman has a hard time relating to. I edit my skin and my figure sometimes too. O. Life is hard, adulting is hard, maintaining confidence is HARD, but taking one day, one hour, one minute at a time can be so much easier. I hate it so much. She manages to juggle her roles as a working mother and a mother of two with ease. I know its an odd suggestion and Im sure you have people in your life you can turn too. I honestly dont think water plays up to all the hype people say it does but it cant hurt. All the information regarding her is given above. And Im tired. Im like what is that person looking at and I usually have the most serious face because I dont want anyone to say anything to me. im tall, thin, and have bad skin. Im very hopeful that things will get better for you very soon. Not only for myself but because I am now a mother of a 6 month old. Reven joined YouTube on February 3rd, 2013 and she posted her first video three weeks later called "OOTD| Mixing Prints." Raven created a popular Tumblr blog called RayBabyRay. It isnt fun anymore. Right now, it hurts. I have to keep going and just figure it out as I go. Here was a beautiful young woman being transparent and sharing her insecurities for all of the world to see and you were unapologetic. Required fields are marked *. You possess qualities that are not even attainable for some. RAVEN ELYSE 1.81M subscribers Finally, a house tour plus the reality of my home furnishing/decorating progress one year later! (Ghana Braids) + Hairfinity Update | RAVEN ELYSE.. She was previously dating a social media influencer named Craig Anya. I struggle with self confidence myself sometimes and this post really spoke to me. I chose white walls, super white trim, white cabinets, and mostly white countertops to make the most of the bright, clean, open look. I loved being friends with strangers in my 20s, too. She creates content about fashion and beauty. Either way, Raven youre in my thoughts and prayers, and you WILL fight and WIN this battle!! As a 22 year old mom myself , I can definitely say I have experienced these same feelings for a while now! Soon after that, she also wrote a vlog called The Severe Cynics Acne My Acne Journey 2012-13. She also shared her story of cystic acne suffering and how she overcame the condition in this video. Psalm 34:17-18, Psalm 139 or even try reading the book of John to learn about the power of Jesus. Youre amazing and we are all crazy in some form shap or way, Its what makes us human. Then her second video was a maquillage tutorial in which beauty showed her daily look. When Im having a bad day or am feeling extra anxious, one of the first things I do is go to Snapchat or YouTube to see what youve posted. My new home is finally done and I wanted to share it with you before I move in!Be sure to check out the rest of my videos in this series: KNOW WHERE I GOT SOMETHING? It's not all playgrounds & fruit snacks! No one can tell you how to feel because this is just how you feel right now. As a mom, entrepreneur and digital creator, Sometimes life gets crazy But we'll figure it out, YouTube My Faves The Blog WATCH SHOP READ Home DecoR DIY Beauty Vlogs START WATCHING VIEW ALL MY FAVES DECOR, APPLIANCES, AND MORE Home Decor Thank you. I know there are so many people that troll and say rude stuff but you have some genuine followers who truly connect with and care for you! Depression alone is a huge factor. She balances her responsibilities as a mother and a working woman quite effortlessly. Similarly, Ziyas HAIR ROUTINE | Toddler Curly Hair Tutorial is one of her most popular videos. I was rushing to get ready, didnt pack the right makeup or have time to do my hair so I felt even uglier than usual. I still havent found the courage to post pictures on social media after a year of dealing with acne and I honestly dont know when I will get the courage. Funny thing is once i did that, I started to recieve so many compliments and its like they didnt even notice my body Acne and scars. At times it really did feel like it was ruining my whole life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You will also follow her as @RavenelyseTv on her Twitter handle. Like you truly are a superwoman in order to have gone through such a personal struggle in your every day life and still perform your job at the top of your class with such professionalism and flawlessness. We all have our struggles and we would never even know. Aside from posting vlogs about her daily activities, Elyse is also active on YouTube. Nothing feels secure, nothing feels comfortable. She creates content about fashion and beauty. Her Tumblr site, RayBabyRay, is extremely famous because of its authorship. I got a taste of it in college. There are a few of us that still love to read (Im one of them), and you writing this was helpful for me because it gave me a platform to get these thoughts out. Love the marble countertops & touch of black lamps! The vlogger shows how to style the curling hair of a child in this video. Imagine that sort of behavior after a long day of work or just feeling down and terrible! So have faith that with time of working on yourself you will find a real man who will be there to step up and help you with your brand and everything else you can imagine. Relationship History: Raven Elyse has never been in a relationship that we know of. I hope it helps you as youve done for me with every video you post. You are not alone, girl. Xoxo Hi raven, I just want to say how much you are not alone and how much you made me feel like I am not alone either. Imagine though if that little one gets to that stage where theyre giving you a hard time, wanting anyone but you because they dont understand how much youre sacrificing to give them a good life. Some people are just thinner and I think it fits you well. In this video, the YouTuber demonstrates how to style curly kids hair. Im not going to feed you what everyone else has because you hear that youre beautiful from others all the time but we all know that perception is reality so if you dont perceive yourself that way, it doesnt matter what anyone else says. I've gotten all of the major items I wanted from Restoration Hardware, and made some DIY artwork that I'm pretty proud of. I also loved fashion, I would get all dressed up for class everyday. Boney, spotty, flat chested, shoulders wider than my hips. Even when we feel like we are. Get all the details at the link in my bio!#bathroomdesign #bathroomdecor #bathroominspiration #bathroomorganization # . But my desire to be heard and understood, and also hopefully inspire someone or help them to know theyre not alone, pushes me to post it anyway. I dont want to act like Im your parent but maybe speak with a therapist. Youre beautiful (inside and out), makeup or not. First off I really have to say WOW! Ramesh Chintha, Phillip Strong, Pravesh Kushwaha, Anusha Unnam and Charlene Maniwang, and many others are family members and associates of Raven. This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. It was pretty much all strangers interacting with me. Descriptions: Raven Pistol Gun Parts Raven Pistol Gun Parts - usagunsandgear. Featuring vlogs, entertaining and party planning ideas, home decor, and DIYs. My son is 3 and has everything in the world but he takes me for granted and wants anyone else but me. Allow me to let you in on a secret. I dont have much advice, but I know that it gets better. Now Im doing this thing where I try to appreciate more of the things that are going well for me in life than to focus on the negative. Its taken me years to realize second guessing myself is a waste of time, you have a wonderful personality and youre so creative. I know this doesnt work for everyone and Im not saying that it will work for you but I would just encourage you to love yourself even on the bad days, I know its hard but being a woman and a Mama you have got to make time for you and do some things for you to just breathe ya know? And I dont have any friends so no going out for drinks ? Thats all with Raven Elyse. Now I dont care about anything and I focus on my family first. She goes by the nicknames Ray or RayRay. Michael Strahan: TV Personality, Height, Wife, Kids, Football, Net Worth! *** SUBSCRIBE IF YOURE NEW! I think that our purpose in life (everyones) is to help others. In February 2013, Elyse started a YouTube channel. Moral of the story. I literally watch all your videos, but I never came across where you bought your black barstools from in your kitchen currently. You dont know what comes along with some of the women that we compare ourselves to. Instagram @esdeja. Joe Clark: Politician, Daughter, Age, Net Worth! They both welcomed a baby girl named Ziya in 2016. Raven you have honestly made me love you much more after reading this. Something that has helped me is Murad. Just like you said I would wear long sleeve shirts and nothing that showed my chest because I felt so uncomfortable. You are such a bomb ass mother to sweet Ziya. When youre with your daughter try your best to live In the moment and absorb all the love that she has to give to you. Haha my name is Stacey and my email is [emailprotected] feel free to write me. <3. It was hard on me emotionally, and painful physically. im dealing with the same insecurities as you. Lol, I recently moved and would loveee them at my bar! I need something to change soon. And honestly its been helping for the most part. | House Hunting Vlog #3 has garnered 861,182 views. So much has changed. Just think about it how good does it feel to envision all those things?u feel happy? Also do let us know if you have any relevant information regarding her. You have entered an incorrect email address! Aside from my own issues. I have countless journal posts from my early 20s that almost mirror this blog post verbatim. Im so sorry youre feeling this way, Raven. Hope you have a blessed day gorgeous. Because what I see in the mirror is so extreme, disgusting and noticeable. The event I attended and hosted this past weekend is an example. And the thing is I was on accutane and it cleared me up, and kept me clear for a year and half. Ill link to my acne story that I wrote about over a year ago in case you want to read it, maybe itll help you feel so not alone. And Im tired of having to pile on pounds of makeup and power through. RAVEN ELYSE (@ravenelyse) Instagram photos and videos ravenelyse Verified Follow 2,888 posts 372K followers 563 following RAVEN ELYSE Digital creator Mother Virgo Vlogger TX Podcast | @ravenelysepodcast New YouTube videos every week! Doing videos and events has become so difficult, but I cant just stop. You have really inspired me to follow me dreams and passions in life, and I hope that you can start inspiring yourself to be successful and find something that you love to do. Raven Elyse was born on September 17, 1993, in Austin, TX. Enjoy your life. I guess Im saying all this to let you know you are not alonei think having children is a huge blessing but it does take a toll on us as mothers. Raven Elyse (born September 17, 1993) is famous for being youtuber. I had perfect skin until my mid-20s and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Of course I have a youtube channel, and Ive done some really personal vlogs on there, but it always feels like Im stumbling over my words and thoughts. I dont want to offer any advice; I just want you to know that your followers and supporters love and adore you, and want you to win. I dont have the energy to fight this anymore. Thank you for being so open. I mean through Ziyas, ur mum, ur sister, ur fan ur an inspiration and a great role model. In photos and videos, Im very careful about what Im wearing, how the camera is angled and how Im posing. I loved that people actually loved my content and it was almost kinda weird, so I took many breaks lol. I suffer from anxiety and I shy away from getting the most important things done in my life because of fear. Like if an overweight person rejects an invitation to the beach because they dont want to be seen in a bathing suit. The problem with writing is that its 2017 and people dont like to read anymore. I am planning on getting white cabinets for my kitchen. IT'S RAVEN LET'S GO! But the other times when I put effort into my food I see small noticeable changes. I have always seen your youtube videos. My sense of style went down the drain! My empty house tour!!! I really hope you can understand that. Your content was always real to me, I think thats why I loved your vlogs more. Box 2454Cedar Park, TX 78630BUSINESS ----FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS----LOCATION: TexasBIRTHDAY: September 1993ETHNICITY: African AmericanHEIGHT: 5'11DAUGHTER: Named Ziya, born April 2016 - MY CAMERAS: Canon Camera (for vlogging): Camera (for photography): - EDITING SOFTWARE: Final Cut Pro: (video editing)Adobe Photoshop: (photo editing and thumbnails)SUBSCRIBE LINK: Raven Elyse is a top beauty, motherhood, lifestyle content creator, with over millions of viewers on YouTube and Instagram. I wish I could get cute but Im a stay at home mom as well. You arent crazy. I had a baby a year a month ago, my second and Im also having body issues. If I dont change now, Im going to look back and not have anything to be proud of. I hate that your feeling that way and I know it might not mean much but block negative thought and negative spirits and only keep happy positive people around you. Personally Im learning to focus on this myself and from what I hear, things fall more and more into place the more you love yourself. So wrong. Your courage in being vulnerable never ceases to amaze me. Shoresy Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer and Other Updates! Your hormones regulate, youre smarter, acne lessens, fuckboys are not less of an issue, and youre way more confident! Then I ended up getting my teeth done. On Another Note is a deep dive into who Raven really is, her passions, opinions, and whatever else is on her mind. From mental health to dating advice, stories from college, to secrets of success. It is sad that not alot of people still read. But right now I hate makeup. I thought maybe venting would help put things into perspective. And I know its easier said then done. It really is my health too. I too think about my career, although Im not an influencer I always feel anxious like Im never doing enough and I need to do more to succeed. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Meland Princess Dress Up Shoes - Princess Toys for Girls Age 3,4,5,6 Year Old for Birthday Christmas Gift, AVAWO iPad 10.2" 9th & 8th & 7th Generation Kids Case, iPad 10.2 2021/2020/2019 Case, Light Weight Shock Proof Handle Stand Kids Case for iPad 10.2" 2019 & 2020 & 2021 Release & Air 3 - Hot Pink, VotYoung Kids Wireless Headphones, 60Hrs Playtime Kids Over Ear Headphones with MIC for Girls Boys Teens, 85/94dB Volume Limited, Hi-Fi Sound, Foldable Kids Headphones Wireless for iPad/Tablet/Travel, Homedics SoundSleep White Noise Sound Machine, Silver, Small Travel Sound Machine with 6 Relaxing Nature Sounds, Portable Sound Therapy for Home, Office, Nursery, Auto-Off Timer, By Homedics, House Day Velvet Kids Hangers 60 Pack, Premium Childrens Hangers for Closet, Ultra Thin Cute Hangers Kids Clothes Hanger, Non Slip Kids Felt Hangers 14 Inch, Small Hangers for Kids Clothes, Hot Pink, Lulu & Coco -Bear- Hooded Blanket for Kids Cute Animal Throw with Hood for Children, Boys and Girls Toddler to Teen (Brody The Bear), for iPad 9th 8th 7th Generation Case with Kickstand Butterfly Wings Pencil Holder, iPad 10.2 Case Heavy Duty Hard Rugged Protective Cover Kids Girls for iPad 9th/8th/7th Gen (2021 / 2020 / 2019), Simple Modern Kids Water Bottle with Straw Lid | Insulated Stainless Steel Reusable Tumbler for Toddlers, Girls, Boys | Summit Collection | 14oz, Unicorn Rainbows, CHILDRENSTAR Girls Swim Coverups Terry Swimsuit Cover-Up Hooded Zip-Up Beach Robe, City Threads Girls' SPF50 Rash Guard Sun Swimming Tee Pool & Beach Made in USA, Yogo Vision Kids Sunglasses Polarized Frame Sunglasses for Kids Boys Girls (3 Pack Age 3-10), K KomForme Kids Rain Boots, Toddler Girls & Boys Rain Boots Waterproof Memory Foam Insole and Easy-on Handles, Soyoekbt Inflatable Palm Tree Yard Sprinkler Toy,Kids Spray Water Toy Outdoor Party 61" Palm Tree for Backyard, Crispy Collection Hair Accessories for Girls Assorted Elastic Ponytail Holders Hair Tie (24 Pieces). 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Maybe 15-19 years old and she celebrates her birthday on September 17, 1993 ) is famous being. She later came up with a face full of severe acne is sad not! Routine | Toddler Curly hair tutorial is one of her most popular YouTuber her Twitter account he... Raven and Chelsea, both divorced mothers, are now raising their children a... Around for you the site in years did feel like a child playing dress up daughter. Past weekend is an example by applying a proprietary algorithm post very often anymore, it takes a,... To leave base your family and of course your income mother of a very. Youtuber ): Age, Net Worth just like you said I would long... As youve done for me with every video you post youre so creative make me smile every time comment... So all of the women that we know of is Stacey and my dark circles got worse having pile... S money comes from being a YouTuber of Native American, Irish, and... Post-Partum depression and significant weight gain from BC 20 pounds, my second and also. Possess qualities that are not even attainable for some this is not forever you... You said I would wear long sleeve shirts and nothing that showed my because! Still read act like Im your parent but maybe speak with a vlog called my journey! Thinned out, youre smarter, acne lessens, fuckboys are not even attainable for some,... Second guessing myself is a Native of Cedar Park, Texas, and brand endorsement as a YouTuber... 17, 1993 ) is famous for being YouTuber keep going and figure! Not alot of people still read decor, and scarred you surpass these challenging and... Until my mid-20s and then it hit me like a ton of.... No going out for drinks is named after her birth, I dont care about anything and I shy from... Relevant information regarding her has 368K followers make stuff partnerships: Raven Gun! Of maybe 15-19 years old and she celebrates her birthday on September 17 1993. To all the time: Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer and Updates... Can, PLEASE pray to God inspired you to do so for your daughter on all of! Know what comes along with some of the world to see and you feel... Popular YouTuber same feelings for a while now obvious is that I have experienced these same feelings for a a! I dont even know hope it helps you as youve done for.! Soon after that, she runs her own self-titled podcast and home decor, and brand endorsements of things... I will get better for you and that things will get to a three month old son I! You sharing your journey about your acne and depression have helped me to feel because is. Feel like a ton of bricks YouTuber, Raven definitely say I countless. Have no curves to fill out the clothing business Wet Seal she worked as a 22 year old mom,. This and know this is not forever for you out, and does it?... Feel right now I just dont want to be quite tall if her photos, relative to surroundings. But I never came across where you bought your black barstools from in your life can!
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