Lecturer in Economics Friday 218A 704-687-7588 pnorande@uncc.edu Per Norander is a lecturer in the Department of Economics in the Belk College of Business at UNC Charlotte. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 704-687 . Look for your teacher/course on RateMyTeachers.com working at University Of North Carolina Charlotte located in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulic Conductivity, 1994-1997, PI. If you have strong technical skills particularly in areas pertaining to social computing and/or machine learning combined with a strong understanding of theories and research approaches within social and behavioral sciences, please send me the following: abrief statement about yourself, including your name, major, anticipated degree, and graduation date; and also a resume/CV highlightingrelevant skills and experiences. Lots of businesses and opportunities for starting your career and having fun in the area. Most of the facilities are new and really nice. Nicholas, Brizendine & Stilgenbauer, MicroStation Applications for Highway and Transportation Structures Design, Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, June 2003. it is impossible to not have a good time. Dr. Taylor makes calculus as easy as possible by giving great examples and study guides that are amazing when preparing for his tests. Have some news, a student story or college event? Here are the ten best from UNC Charlotte : 1. With over 1.3 million professors, 7,000 schools & 15 million ratings, Rate My Professors is the best professor ratings source based on student feedback. However, the professors I've had are great and very knowledgeable in their area, so it balances it out. Octavia joined Cherry Bekaert after 5 years at PwC in the Private Company Services (PCS) practice. 62 votes, 30 comments. in Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; B.S. Dr. Washington has worked in the information technology management space for over a decade, where she actively leads non-profit organizations towards revamping and improving their infrastructures. Growing up in Cleveland she has a passion for Cleveland sports (The Cleveland Browns will win the Super Bowl!) Construction & Facilities Engineering, M.S. Her main focuses being (1) the impact of increasing debt on degree and career decisions (2) the impact of technology on the profession, and (3) the impact organizational environments have on competitive advantages of firms. I was choosing between here and NC State, and I am so glad I picked it. Dr. Taylor undoubtedly knows what he's doing when it comes to math. These courses assume that students have already developed the basic grammatical and compositional skills needed to write college-level English, and they build on these skills to develop writing strategies appropriate to the discipline of the department offering the course. EGADE-UNC Charlotte MBA in Global Business & Strategy. Construction & Facilities Engineering, M.S. Interests: Because he is already giving great lectures and recordings. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Most undergraduates at UNC Charlotte major in programs that require mathematics or statistics as related work. If you are contemplating taking any higher level math course at UNC Charlotte, I would recommend taking a course taught by John Taylor. But if you take advantage of the multitude of resources Dr. Taylor offers, you'll be fine. All liberally educated people need to have the ability to understand the world from the point of view of more than one culture and be able to analyze issues from a global perspective. Eva Guerra EGADE Business School, Monterrey guerra_eva@tec.mx Read More about Eva Guerra. The Program approaches the liberal arts in its traditional meaning of learning the arts appropriate for living the educated, responsible life of a free (liberlis) citizen. The best professor I've ever had. Do the webwork assignments, do the pre-class videos, and memorize the formulas. of Transportation; 1999-2002, PI. Lots of clubs, a big greek life school, and there's a train that takes you through the queen city in 40 minutes. One first-year writing course is required. & Brizendine, A.L., "Incorporating Outcome-Based Assessment Processes into a Construction Curriculum," Int'l Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the ASC, 2007. Some transfer students may be exempt from the General Education Requirements; see the Transfer Credit and Advanced Academic Standingsection for details. My bike was stolen when it was locked right in front of one of the dorms. Thus, requests for exceptions to any aspects of the General Education requirements for individual students must be approved by the Dean of University College, but matters relating to the course itself need to be addressed by the department and college offering the course. Every lecture is recorded and posted, he's got a great sense of humor, he is very transparent about what is on the tests, and the whole class loves him. Lots of opportunities for Engineering and Comp Sci, and clubs are fun too. #LeaveYourMark Applied Energy & Electromechanical Engineering, M.S. NSF/WV EPSCOR Grant, Direct Shear & Data Acquisition, 1993. It provides all undergraduate students, regardless of their majors, with the foundations of the liberal education they will need to be informed people who have the ability to act thoughtfully in society, the ability to make critical judgments, and the ability to enjoy a life dedicated to learning and the pleasures of intellectual and artistic pursuits. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001704-687-8622, Engineering Technology and Construction Management, William States Lee College of Engineering, About Engineering Technology & Construction Management, About Engineering Technology and Construction Management, Scholarships - Fire & Safety Engineering Technology, M.S. TAC of ABET Evaluator Training, 2003 CIEC Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, Tuscon, AZ; 2002 CIEC Conference, American Society for Engineering Education; 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, Nashville, TN; 2002 ASEE Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada; 2001 ASEE Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Students take four Liberal Studies courses designed especially for the General Education Program. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001704-687-8622, Engineering Technology and Construction Management, Professor, Civil Engineering Technology and Construction Management, William States Lee College of Engineering, About Engineering Technology & Construction Management, About Engineering Technology and Construction Management, Scholarships - Fire & Safety Engineering Technology, M.S. Royal Oak, MI 48067, By clicking this button,you agree to the terms of use. Hi, I am Albert Park, currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems within the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. It's somewhat diverse, but I still see it as a PWI. This is a great university!! Denis G. Arnold Friday 206 704-687-7703 . Woodward 310H. D) LBST 2301 - Critical Thinking and Communication (3). Meal plan rates can be found on the Dining Services website. Overall there's just nothing super unique about the college. These courses are spread throughout the curriculum and are indicated with an (O) after the course title. "Enhancing Diversity in Engineering Technology", NSF, 2006-2010, Co-PI. 4 test in total, lowest grade of the first 3 can be replaced with higher final exam grade. The Best Professors at University of North Carolina at Charlotte | Uloop UNC Charlotte Professor Ratings Found 2609 professors, displaying 1-20 Browse by Last Name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Joanne Carman Political Science Meana Hastings Mathematics Xiaoran WU Business Sonya Gable- Wilson Music Debra C Smith Ethnic Studies The UNC Charlotte faculty created a set of Liberal Studies (LBST) courses dedicated exclusively to General Education. Geoffrey M. Cooper, Geoffrey Cooper, Own an UNC Charlotte Textbook? Kristen Funk, PhD | Department of Biological Sciences | UNC Charlotte Home People Kristen Funk, PhD Kristen Funk, PhD Assistant Professor Woodward 386A kfunk@uncc.edu RESEARCH CONCENTRATION: Neuroinflammation of neuroinfectious and neurodegenerative diseases LEARN MORE ABOUT DR. FUNK'S RESEARCH LAB WORK I actually took his wife's course last semester, but she uses all of his video content. Below are the building abbreviations as they appear on your course schedule. Health Informatics Lab: https://cci-hit.uncc.edu. Email Frank Benefield at wbenefie@uncc.edu or call 704-687-7837 with questions. I never thought that Linear Algebra would be the best class of my semester, but Dr. Taylor made sure it was. Select six credit hours, including at least three credit hours in the major. Developing an Outcomes-Based Model Curriculum, Tennessee Community College Engineering Technology Consortium, Chattanooga, TN, February 2003. It also publishes learning resources, videos, and helpful links. It's an ok school, was my last choice school. Dr. Washington received her D.Sc. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001704-687-8622, Engineering Technology and Construction Management, William States Lee College of Engineering, About Engineering Technology & Construction Management, About Engineering Technology and Construction Management, Scholarships - Fire & Safety Engineering Technology, M.S. All you have to do is make sure you're studying ahead of time for the exams and attending class regularly because both of those are the most important things in the class. Lots of student resources to help you succeed. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. = Professional Hydrologist S.E. Students in majors that do not require related work in mathematics normally take MATH 1100, followed by either MATH 1102or PHIL 2105. Octavia is a Certified Public Accountant working for Cherry Bekaert in the Charlotte Market. Like you, this page has an important job here: to get you to the information you need ASAP! Assistant Professor. Stilgenbauer, Nicholas & Brizendine, Scheduling Transportation Projects Using Primavera Project Planner As Part of the Software Series in Civil Engineering Technology Independent Learning Experiment at Fairmont State College, Journal of Engineering Technology, Spring 2001. While students continue to develop these skills in advanced courses in their major, the General Education program provides an important foundation. Each of these courses deals with an important contemporary issue, and each one gives significant attention to ethical analysis and cultural critique in the liberal arts. University of North Carolina at Charlotte View all Professors Submit a Correction Rate this school 3.9 Overall Quality Facilities 4.3 Location 4.2 Happiness 4.1 Opportunities 4.0 Clubs 3.8 Safety 3.8 Reputation 3.8 Internet 3.6 Social 3.6 Food 3.5 779 Ratings Overall 4.7 awesome Jan 9th, 2023 All in all, I've enjoyed my time here at UNCC. During her time at TU she sparked up many conversations throughout the United States surrounding the topic of Web Accessibility in the Non-Profit sector, and developed free . I have heard he does not teach linear algebra much, but if you have the chance to take him you should. Gray received his Ph.D. in architectural history from Cornell University, his Masters in architectural history from the . Therefore, all students must take one General Education course that carries the Critical Thinking and Communication (CTC) attribute. He does lots of examples that are not hard to follow along with. 15K subscribers in the UNC community. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001704-687-8622, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. Manuel A. Prez Quiones is Professor of Software and Information Systems at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC). If you have him as an option for classes I would take it 200% of the time. Students meet this requirement by taking LBST 2301; it will be one of the three LBST courses at the 2000 level students take; they will choose two others. Her current research interests include digital accessibility, human-computer interaction, system usability and design, and supply chain management. NASA Software Assurance Grant, Project Co-Director, 1996 - 1997. Overall it's a great school, the dining hall could be better but there are plenty of fast food restaurants on campus. 704-687-8622. The professors in the engineering department are very hit or miss. 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 I love UNC Charlotte. Dr. Taylor is an amazing teacher. Dr. Taylor is a goat professor who is capable of explaining the hard concepts at our level. His teaching style is phenomenal. Yes you do have to walk far sometimes but that's just the nature of a large university? Uloop Inc. I would take him for every math class if I could. I had Dr. Taylor for Calc I and Calc II. I like its proximity to the city of Charlotte and all that it has to offer. Find the ratings of professors from Rate My Professors while on the UNCC registration page Allows students to easily see what the ratings are for their professors while navigating the registration webpage. He also makes videos of the lectures to put on the canvas page so students can look over the material. My research focuses on the analysis of social interactions and social networks using modern data analysis and development of novel computational approaches to study social interactions and relationships in the context of health. NSF/WV EPSCOR Grant, Global Positioning, 2000, PI, Transportation Certification & Training Programs, WV Dept. Sell it here, Mailing Address: She attended North Carolina A&T State University where she met her husband, DJ. If you just do the assignments and keep following the topics and recordings you should be good. If you have good attendance, you will get your lowest test grade replaced with final! al.park@uncc.edu. Computer Science Associate Teaching Professor, Associate Chair of Academics and Graduate Program Director (Interim) Woodward 423B 704-687-7888 dahmed@uncc.edu Read More about Dewan Ahmed Srinivas Akella Computer Science Professor Woodward 205B 704-687-8573 sakella@uncc.edu Read More about Srinivas Akella Ann Aksut Computer Science Adjunct Faculty Nice faculty and staff and a beautiful campus. For these students, the related mathematics requirements determine the courses taken to meet the General Education requirement. His lectures quickly and efficiently teach you Calculus, and the entire experience is a joyride. It's pretty chill. The Program is designed to address five areas of liberal education. Find & rate your professors or school! Professor Taylor is a gem. You will need the guided notes, but don't bother with the book. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 704-687 . NSF/WV EPSCOR Grant, Global Positioning, 2000, PI. US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulic Conductivity, 1994-1997. His research interests include personal information management, human-computer interaction, CS education, and diversity issues in computing. Brittani Washington joined the Belk College of Business faculty in 2021. The Alumni Gives Scholarship allows students to pursue their dreams and contribute to the technology community. These highly interactive workshops are led by staff and trained graduate students virtually, on-site and across campus. Anthony (Tony) Brizendine, Ph.D, P.E., PLS. Gives great lectures, communicates well, assignments are all very straightforward. Fourth, it helps students develop more specialized skills for disciplinary writing and oral presentations. Check out professor ratings from University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill students, as well as comments from past students. Research Operations Manager. Browse for teacher reviews at UNC, professor reviews, and more in and around Chapel Hill, NC. A) LBST 2101 - Western Cultural and Historical Awareness (3). Tell us all about it. = Professional Engineer P.H. HE IS ONE OF THE BEST PROFESSORS IN UNCC. During her time at TU she sparked up many conversations throughout the United States surrounding the topic of Web Accessibility in the Non-Profit sector, and developed free resources for Non-Profit organizations to use to make system and design changes. All students take four LBST courses. Rates include rent, utilities (including internet, cable and laundry) and membership in the Resident Students Association (RSA). in Business Administration Management from Coastal Carolina University. Octavias research interests focus on the current state and future projection of careers in public accounting. Served as a panelist, presenter, and session chair for computer science and STEM club events, accessibility symposiums, international conferences, and tech summits. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223-0001704-687-8622, Harnessing Reddit to understand the written-communication challenges experience by individuals with mental health disorders: Analysis of texts from depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia communities, Examining Thematic Similarity, Difference, and Membership in Three Online Mental Health Communities from Reddit: A Text Mining and Visualization Approach, Longitudinal Changes in Psychological States in Online Health Community Members: Understanding the Long-Term Effects of Participating in an Online Depression Community, The Readability of Electronic Cigarette Health Information and Advice: A Quantitative Analysis of Web-Based Information, Tracking Health Related Discussions on Reddit for Public Health Applications, How Did We Get Here?: Topic Drift in Online Health Discussions, Homophily of Vocabulary Usage: Beneficial Effects of Vocabulary Similarity in Online Health Communities Participation, Automatically detecting failures in natural language processing tools for online community text, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. in Civil Engineering Technology, Summa Cum Laude, Bluefield State College, REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER, Virginia, Geotechnical Engineering: earth structures/risk analysis/probabilistic modeling/finite element analysis, Continuous Improvement/Outcomes Assessment. These courses introduce students to fundamental themes and develop core competencies. He is clear and precise when lecturing and is always open to discussion when you need help. Was not my first choice, but I am glad I chose to go to school here. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Degree Requirements and Academic Policies, Office of Undergraduate Education (includes University College), Transfer Credit and Advanced Academic Standing, WRDS 1103 - Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I and II, WRDS 1104 - Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I and II with Studio, MATH 1101 - College Algebra with Workshop, MATH 1102 - Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, MATH 1103 - Precalculus Mathematics for Science and Engineering, MATH 1121 - Calculus for Engineering Technology, MATH 1165 - Introduction to Discrete Structures, MATH 1340 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I, MATH 1341 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II, STAT 1220 - Elements of Statistics I (BUSN), STAT 1322 - Introduction to Statistics II, ITSC 1110 - Introduction to Computer Science Principles, ANTH 2141 - Our Place in Nature: Introduction to Biological Anthropology, ANTH 2141L - Our Place in Nature: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Lab, BINF 1101 - Introduction to Bioinformatics and Genomics, BIOL 1110L - Principles of Biology I Laboratory, CHEM 1203 - Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry I, CHEM 1203L - Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry I Laboratory, CHEM 1204 - Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry II, CHEM 1204L - Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry II Laboratory, CHEM 1251L - General Chemistry I Laboratory, CHEM 1252L - General Chemistry II Laboratory, ESCI 1101L - Earth Sciences-Geography Laboratory, EXER 2168 - Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professions, EXER 2168L - Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professions Laboratory, EXER 2169 - Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professions II, EXER 2169L - Human Anatomy and Physiology for the Health Professions II Laboratory, METR 1102L - Introduction to Meteorology Lab, PHYS 1100L - Conceptual Physics Laboratory, PHYS 1101L - Introductory Physics I Laboratory, PHYS 1102L - Introductory Physics II Laboratory, PHYS 1130L - Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory, PHYS 1201L - Sports and Physics Laboratory, PHYS 1202 - Introduction to Physics in Medicine, PHYS 2101 - Physics for Science and Engineering I, PHYS 2101L - Physics for Science and Engineering I Laboratory, PHYS 2102 - Physics for Science and Engineering II, PHYS 2102L - Physics for Science and Engineering II Laboratory, PSYC 1101L - General Psychology Laboratory, ECON 2101 - Principles of Economics - Macro, ECON 2102 - Principles of Economics - Micro, GEOG 1105 - The Location of Human Activity, LBST 1104 - The Arts and Society: Theater, LBST 1105 - The Arts and Society: Visual Arts, LBST 2101 - Western Cultural and Historical Awareness (3), LBST 2102 - Global and Intercultural Connections (3), LBST 2211 - Ethical Issues in Personal, Professional, and Public Life (3), LBST 2213 - Science, Technology, and Society (3), LBST 2214 - Issues of Health and Quality of Life (3), LBST 2301 - Critical Thinking and Communication (3), General Education: Writing in the Disciplines (W) courses, General Education: Oral Communication (O) courses, LBST 2301 - Critical Thinking and Communication, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). Calc 1 & Calc 2 require a lot of work, but it is manageable when you have a good instructor. I will have two Ph.D. student positions. Absolutely brutal grading, insane amounts of homework, and completely unavailable to ask for help at all times. Software and Information Systems. You might even learn to enjoy it. Therefore, all students must take one General Education course that carries the Critical Thinking and Communication (CTC) attribute. I've struggled with math in the past and I feel like I left this class truly understanding the content. Robert E. Guinn Lowest two homework grades will also be dropped. Informal inquiries are welcome and may be made by email (apark11@uncc.edu). Not much to do at the school and most of the clubs are lacking in events. = Structural Engineer *Affiliated Faculty Students are expected to exhibit ethical behavior in the use of computers. C) LBST 221X - Ethical and Cultural Critique (Select ONE). AIA = Registered Professional Architect P.E. The physics department in particular might be one of the worst in the United States. By the end of their first semester at UNC Charlotte, students are expected to have developed the basic skills necessary to find and evaluate information from the internet and bibliographic and database sources in Atkins Library. Brizendine, A.L., Developing Innovative Curriculum Models & Certification Programs To Meet the Needs of the West Virginia Department of Highways: Transportation Technician Certificate and Associate of Applied Science Programs, 2001 ASEE CIEC Conference, San Diego, CA, January 2001, Brizendine, A.L., Transportation Technician Certification: A Two-Year Perspective, Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Albuquerque, NM, June 2001, Brizendine, A.L., Workforce Training Issues in the New Millennium, West Virginia DOH Contracts Conference, Morgantown, WV, April 2001; Professional Development for the New Millennium, West Virginia DOH Design Engineering Conference, Pipestem, WV, March 2001; Technician Training & Certification: Necessity in the New Millennium, West Virginia DOH Construction Management Conference, February 2001, Brizendine, & Nicholas, Global Positioning: Multi-Programmatic Initiatives, NSF/WV EPSCoR Conference, Charleston, WV, February 2001, Excellence in Teaching & Learning, Conversations In Teaching Program, Fairmont State Faculty Development Program, September 2000, Brizendine, A.L., Architectural, Civil, and Construction Engineering Technology Industrial Advisory Committees: Perceptions of Industry Advisors, Faculty and Administrators, 2000 CIEC Conference, (ASEE), Orlando, Florida, February 2000 proceedings, PDW Participants, A Model For Faculty Development: The ExCEEd Teaching Workshop, Consultant Report to the ASCE Board of Directors, September 1999, Brizendine, A.L., & Brizendine, L.D., Redefining Scholarship: A Win-Win Situation for Engineering & Technology, (Nominated for Conference BEST PAPER AWARD); An Independent Learning Experiment: Software Series in Civil Engineering Technology, Proceedings of the 1999 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Charlotte, NC, June 1999, TAC of ABET Program Criteria Changes: 2000 and Beyond, TAC of ABET Program Evaluator Training: 1999-2000, Defining Faculty Work, 1999 ASCE Education Congress, Charlotte, NC, October 1999, Brizendine, & Riley, Case History: An Innovative Curriculum Model for Workforce Development in Engineering Technology, 1999 CIEC Conference Proceedings, Palm Springs, CA, February 1999, Brizendine, and Copley, A Model Curriculum for A Multidisciplinary Baccalaureate Degree in Civil & Mechanical Engineering Technology (CMET), 1999 CIEC Conference Proceedings same, Palm Springs, CA, February 1999, Computer Controlled Data Acquisition Laboratory Experiences in Civil Laboratories, Continuing Professional Development for Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Industry Personnel, (Nominated for BEST PAPER AWARD), Proceedings of the 1998 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA, July 1998, Collaboration for Improved Laboratory Experiences: Capitalizing on Applied Research Opportunities, 1998 CIEC Conference Proceedings, ASEE, Savannah, GA, February 1998, Risk Based Analysis of Levees, Doctoral Dissertation, West Virginia University, August 1997, Probabilistic Analysis of Hydraulic Conductivity in Woody Vegetation, U.S. Army Engineer Corps, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, December 1997. I was here for Cybersecurity and it has the best Cybersecurity program in North Carolina (over 20 years it's been growing). Take a class with him at some point, else you'll be doing yourself a disservice. Individual departments MAY choose to allow students to count one of their LBST courses towards the requirements for the major. Fire Protection and Safety Management. Students should consult the Academic Plan of Study for the major, the degree audit, and an advisor about whether double counting is allowed and to which particular courses the departments policy applies. 306 S. Washington Ave These students SHOULD NOT take, Transfer students who HAVE NOT met this requirement MUST meet this requirement by taking. Gehrig, G.B. UNC Charlottes 3000+ faculty and staff are dedicated to academic excellence, cutting-edge research, community outreach, and enriching the university experience for our students. The University Center for Academic Excellence offers a wide variety of workshops on topics that strengthen students' academic success. All of these courses include the consideration of gender, race, and ethnic diversity, as appropriate for understanding the individual themes of these courses. The college Transfer credit and Advanced Academic Standingsection for details careers in Public accounting offers, you to! You are contemplating taking any higher level math course at UNC Charlotte, 28223-0001704-687-8622., WV Dept I left this class truly understanding the content their area, so it it. Help at all times as related work LeaveYourMark Applied Energy & Electromechanical,... The chance to take him for every math class if I could area... ( apark11 @ uncc.edu or call 704-687-7837 with questions was my last choice school Global Business & amp ; your! Picked it is made possible by giving great lectures and recordings fast restaurants... 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