KvM is a PvP, but you need your guildmates to form a part. Vigor. This skill jabs the enemy continuously, max it after Spear Proficiency. Kindle requires Skill Fire Pillar Lvl 5. DEF, M. DEF, and Final % in both for robes and replace PEN for max HP and its % for muffler/collar. Invest max points in this. With the Shadow upgrade, the DMG multiplier increases along with Zeny obtained by a 14%. Poison lasts for 10 seconds. It gives a lot of benefits as a F2P player, and that's why you need to do this no matter what, or you will fall behind. Class. STR is your primary source of ATK DMG. After each critical hit, the damage dealt by the next slash will increase by 5%. Increases PHY ATK when using weapons scaling with your STR. Look into the recommended Playstyle section of the class menu in the game for Praise playstyle to have an idea of Support type buffer. This build focuses on doing AA continuously and as fast as possible. This combo does damage as well as stunning to the max. The detonation does not ignite targets. For that sweet AA speed boost. I've mainly played the High-Priest but played other classes too. What's this channel for? (In some cases BlueStacks uses affiliate links when linking to Google Play). You must have Windows 7 or higher. But with one exception, card loot chances from monsters are the same regardless of level difference. This is purely for PvP and The Eternal tower scenario when playing with a party. Go for ATK, PHY DEF(Defense) PEN. Double Blow (Passive) AA has a chance to deal additional bonus DMG. Invest in AGI if you have any points left and maximize AGI after getting some gear and cards. So, look for M.ATK and Vigor on most accessories. Prontera has three crafters that can craft weapons, armor, or accessories. Pure Dex vs. Worry not; as we have said before, the pots are a cheap commodity in this game. The bottle will crack when it hits the floor, leaving behind poison for 4 seconds. During the Glast Heim update which unlocks the world level 90. Defensive stats are what you get from most armor pieces. Complete Stat and Skill Calculator - posted in Ragnarok Online Community Chat: Up to this point, Ive been relying on irowiki, guides in the class forums, and hearsay to determine what the best course of action would be for my stats, skill sets, and equipment. This is especially helpful in PvP, no matter which Priest build you use, because you can also eliminate debuff effects on your teammates like Curse and Petrify. Character Choose your destiny. I think author of this post only consider hitting Training Dummy. It only matters if the quest asks you to succeed. For Enchantments, focus on LUK for Crit or AA speed, whichever you are lacking. DEF and HP While we focus on dealing as much damage as possible, we forget survivability and should pay attention to these stats. Another good example is the Cooke Card for Vigor. Expending skill points will upgrade a skill. Dumping points into DEX will increase your Haste, which means your CDR will reduce, and you can deal more damage the quicker you can use your skills. since enemy's def is now considered 0 then 1.51 - 1.5 - 0 makes your PEN higher than 150% + enemy DEF), 2.51 + ( 1.51 - 1.5 - 0 ) = 2.51 + 0.01 = 2.52. Klo gk salah ngitung ya ini . Cart Blitz (Active) Rides on a pushcart and charges forward, dealing PHY DMG, scaling with ATK%, to the enemy in this path within 3 M of a pushcart. We recommend you first upgrade your ax when you are level 40 as at this point; you will find a good number of accessories matching your level. Ragnarok X: Next Generation Beginner's Guide Level 40 to 42 - Obtaining Equipment, Equipment Enchanting, and Marriage | PinoyGamer - Philippines Gaming News and Community Philippines Gaming News Genshin Impact Lisa will free outfit A Sobriquet Under Shade Latest: Summer Gavin Yesterday at 10:11 PM Video Game News STR directly relays to ATK DMG. Arbernite and Metaller are good cards, for starters. However, you can carry out no other attack during this period. DEX here is mainly for Vigor, minimizing the CD. Ragnarok Online Calculator - Pre-renewal Ragnarok Online Classic Calc FreeRO ? A good CDR is paramount for skill spammers, and Wizard is no different; that's why we recommend high DEX for a while using gear and cards for INT and DMG stats; you can easily hit up to 13k DMG. Spear Proficiency (Passive) ATK increases by (Point Damage + Point DEX) when equipped with a Spear. thanks, Kalo p.atack serangan dasar,contoh tun assasin dan hunter,klo p.dmg bns untuk wizard,mage dan karakter yg pake attack Skill, untuk pengguna skill lebih bagus penetration lebih tinggi daripada final p dmg bonus, kira2 perbandingannya 3/1. Pull Request -! Spear Stab (Active) this skill deals 300% of your ATK DMG of your weapon plus scaling with your ATK from stats to enemies in a rectangular area in front of you. Lvling up your Shadow Weapons is paramount as it helps you improve the primary damaging skills to the next level. During the leveling process, we will rely on our AA speed and ATK DMG. One point is enough. This skill does water damage, and the cast has seven waves, each damaging AoE with a chance to Slow. When you have enough INT, go for Final Vigor and M.ATK % as in the early stages; this % value won't give you as much as in later stages. Thanks, How about falcon damage formula ? We also have a small calculation tool that let you compute how much youll be gaining when youre in the party. % Stats are always acquired through Refinement; flat stats are always base stats though for cards is different, and that's why % drops in cards are the best find. Venom Spreader (Active) throws a bottle filled with deadly poison at the target location. Sedangkan P. Damage Bonus gak ke convert jadi Final. This skill deals damage based on your STR while others above are based on DEX; you can add this skill to deal additional damage if you have invested heavily into STR along with your DEX. Max this Skill as soon as possible. Weapon We will choose Short Bow for this build as it provides Haste/Vigor as base stats and a % bonus when refined, which is invaluable to your CD of skills. Thief is a nimble class that can hide in shadows and deals tons of damage when they come out of their shadows. To see your Servers World Level in-game, click on your character profile, then at the Base EXP progress, click the help icon (!). This skill can only be used when mounted. Normal Attack of a friendly target will gain holy attribute. For example, around 800 Vigor/Haste from your DEX, your CDR will be above 20%. Will look into updating skills & adding Rebellion in the coming week (s). So early-game, HP while later in the game, max HP%. The main reason behind that is because they don't have any other damage source like the melee classes, who rely on their main stats and weapons to deal damage. The pushcart stays at the endpoint after reaching the max distance for up to 5 sec. ATK values are low during the early game, and investing in farming ATK% wont give you that much boost. Zen (Passive) Increases SP recovery, valid for most classes; take it to Lvl 5. When your AA speed is high in the mid-game, somewhere around 500%+, in which you can shoot three arrows per sec, remove all DPS skills. INT Max INT for maximum M. ATK DMG. Rings can also give you PHY ATK, which is good as you are a melee class. White accessories work best for the initial part of the game. Max INT for maximum M. ATK DMG. Ragnarok-Calculator-Tool Created to pratice my javaFX. Some suggestions if I may to help noobs like me - perhaps use colour coding to differentiate between cells that we need to fill in, and those that are formulated. Sword Mastery (Passive) ATK increased when wielding Sword based on AGI + 50%. Party for farming are so efficient when you use it on AFK farming, simply because the more players you have in a party, the more monsters are eliminated which also means more experience. | KingSpade. Re-enchanting or re-rolling is very common habit of ROX players because they always want the best stats as possible. but if you more on damage burst, you need to balance all factors like your ATK DMG, Penetration, and the Bonus DMG. Rollback 7 meters, evading enemy attacks and entering hiding mode. The individual rewards are based on your points ranking within your guild members. You have four options or loadouts to save your auto skills; you can see this in the Custom Skill tab. Consider going more in DEX for ATK and skill CD reduction. While most things are similar as in DPS build 1, which didn't need mentioning here, you can find important info about this build in this section. So, if you have 200 points of LUK, making the chance for your Falcon to attack up to 60%. This skill jabs the enemy continuously, max it after Spear Proficiency. The most important quest for this is the KvM. Promotes the final dodge rate and movement speed, increases after dodge physical attack, continuous 5 sec. DMG received is decreased. Weapon As the weapon is not as crucial for this build as accessories are, you can ignore them until you have Blues for your accessories. Very important when playing in a group or when farming undead areas. For Weapons WeapMarina for ATK%, Andre for ATK% and Final PEN %, and Vadon for also ATK% and Final DMG bonus %. The main premise for any build is to work around the core things; the first is the stats, which stats go with which skills and cards. This Skill is paramount when you become a Sniper. How about Life steal formula? M. PEN. We recommend not going above 300 Final AA speed as the return isn't that high, and ATK and Crit is the preferable choice after that number as it will incrementally do more damage. Skills: Take the example of Enchant Poison, Enhanced Enchant Poison, Venom Knife, Venom Dart, Ambush (PvP oriented) from the Skill Spammers Build above. STR (Strength) Purely a damaging build on a melee character requires you to have STR pumped in. Btw you can change the link from "/edit" to "/copy" so people are copying it by default. Max out this skill whenever possible as it also increases your ATK when wielding Spear by 80+50% of your DEX. Self & Party Buffs Items These further increase when you increase the level of your Spear. Fire Ball (Active) Summons a fireball to a specified area to deal fire damage, put 5 points in it. Lvl it up to 5 until you have maxed your other essential skills and increase when you have more Vigor. Another party buff skill increases LUK and Crit rate when playing with a party. When you want to take it to the next level, you can start investing in. Increase this to the max. This build focuses on doing AA continuously and as fast as possible. Cavalry Combat (Passive) This is a good skill because it allows you to fight while mounted and max level removes the ASPD mitigation. Slice and dice an enemy target at lightning speed, dealing physical damage of your weapon's attribute to them, which gives a chance to stun them for 3 seconds. 05/11/2013 - Issues or fixes required? So how can you play to builds at the same time? Balance INT with LUK as LUK is essential for the chance that the Falcon attacks, while INT is essential for how much DMG the Falcon does. If the target is ignited, they will detonate and deal fire magic damage to all enemy units nearby. Stats like PHY DEF, M. DEF, HP, and RES, while their Final bonus % are Refined. Napalm Beat (Active) Attack with a blast of telekinetic force, dealing Ghost magic damage to enemy units within the area. Slams the ground, dealing PHY DMG, based on your primary stat and ATK% to the enemy unit with a chance to stun enemy for 2 sec, can stun up to 8 targets. This Skill also considers Sacred PHY DMG or simply True DMG, which ignores the DEF of the enemy. When doing Enchantments, at least enhance Awakening before doing it. So, in this build, you will firstly focus on getting a second job as soon as possible. Food AoE skill that can also stun enemies nearby. Assumptio (Active) Angelus gains an effect that increases the M.DEF of the friendly target. Tarou for Vigor. The poisoning effect is detoxified, and the target will deal with DMG to current HP. Impositio Manus (Active) Invest only when playing with Party or PvP. Max it if you have some points lying about. 2-H rod Lvl 50 gives M.ATK and Vigor with % of both when refining. Skills: Charge arrow is used in this build for the stuns, both on enemies and players in the PvP but keep CD to 0 though you can always max it and take a skill or two for rotation purposes while Charge Arrow is on CD. Mammonite (Active) Single Target high Damage, consumes Zeny to deal PHY DMG to a single enemy. Enhanced Hiding - While hiding gains sneak attack effect, canceling hiding by using a normal Attack will cause it to be guaranteed a critical attack. Remember that this is not a Crit build; it is also an AA speed build, as the more you attack, the more chances of critting. STR is your primary source of ATK DMG. Upgrading your characters skills can increase the combat efficacy of that skill which will allow you to eliminate strong enemies faster. Angelus (Passive) Increase DEF of all party members for 10 sec. For example, you can have Fire Pillar, Earth Spike, and Magic Amplification as a combo. As it doesnt have a cooldown reduction and raises the ATK of allies, max it as soon as possible. If the target is ignited, they will detonate and deal fire magic damage to all enemy units nearby. | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, The Legend of Neverland Skill Descriptions, Dragon Raja Gold Tale/Anecdote Guide (UPDATED OCT), Dragon Raja Hidden Recipe (Self-Develop Cooking), All BDM Knowledge Locations in Southeast Calpheon, All BDM Knowledge Locations in North Calpheon, BDM Knowledge Locations in Neutral Border Zone, Dragon Nest 2 Evolution Skill Description, Tower of Fantasy How to Enter Floating Island, Tower of Fantasy OST Meant to Be by Shymie (ENGLISH Lyrics). PHY PEN stat is vital for this build as the more armor you bypass, the higher the damage the enemies receive from you, Akin to dealing True DMG. or ASPD as raw status? that support most information in this guide. For 3rd Job Classes and Rebellion One thing to keep note of, if you max this skill for AoE stun, dont forget to Lvl the Shadow upgrade for this skill as the very first level, a whopping 14% increase happens to make a 64% chance to stun. plus max HP % when refining. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Another important effect is Caluseo Heal, which increases heals and reduces the -ve effects of PvP statuses. When you reach the second job, you will unlock a lot of new skills, most of these skills will no longer fit on the auto skill slots because it is already full. Another good example is Adventurer's Brooch, which provides you with DEX. In the early game, we don't have an AoE DMG skill other than Fireball, but Leveling it up will have a long CD which is not ideal for farming XP; the rest of the skills for Mage skill tree are single target DMG dealers like Soul Strike, Heaven's Drive and Magic Crusher among others. One point is enough. Assassins can wield two types of Weapons, Katar and Dagger. We bring our experience working with the largest, most sophisticated shippers in the world to our customers. Equipment Self & Party Buffs Items Item Database | Monster Database | Skill Database | Map Database | Quest Database | Creation Database | Misc Database Rate Settings | Graphic Settings | Site Settings Select another Calculator Select Job: Baby? STR You can always get it from Enchantments if you still lack stat points or gear stats. and lets start the class builds guide from here. Very important when clearing undead dungeons. M.DEF and Max HP as base stats while Max HP and Final M.DEF % as Refinements. Each node has different stats that you need to Unlock and will be unlocked according to the weapon's level. DEF, M. DEF, and Final % in both for robes and replace PEN for max HP and its % for muffler/collar. PEN PHY PEN is essential for your melee classes as they are mainly doing PHY DMG. Refinement can also give you AA speed, but it will be a Final % bonus. In the result, youll find all of the information of the monsters including their Base and Job experience, level, sizes, types, race and loot drop (We are still adding this one). Spear Boomerang (Active) A single target DD skill with 430% of the weapon's ATK damage. As the weapon is not as crucial for this build as accessories are, you can ignore them until you have Blues for your accessories. Vigor/Haste You must increase this as much as possible without sacrificing others as lower CDR is paramount for a support build. DEX Consider going more in DEX for ATK and skill CD reduction. Awakening is like activating the shadow equipment, and that will give you more bonuses if you finish them. A must-have skill for the Merchant, so max it as soon as possible. Stats start out with a base value of 1 and can be raised as far as 99. Character Choose your destiny. That's it for the detailed description of the Shadow Equipment. This skill has a fixed CD for all Lvls. Pick the best 1-H Axe at the start, change to the next Lvl weapon when you meet the Lvl requirement. Our weapon will give us one of the most significant boosts for it. Armor For armor sets, blues are still best for AFK (Away from Keyboard) farming. Steel Crow's DMG scales off from INT. CMIIW. You can always start the game with Whites and acquire Blues as you go along. You can filter it by Farming Method, Attribute and Race. We dont Lvl this skill up much in the early game as it costs 1500 Zenies at max level, which isn't cost-effective early game. If an enemy has 80% DEF then you'll need then you'll need at least 231% just to get +1% dmg ( 2.31 [230% PEN] - 1.5 - 0.8 [80% DEF] = 0.01 [1%] ). Double Attack (Passive) When Equipped with a dagger weapon and your standard Attack hits, there is a chance of causing double damage every time the hiding state is lifted. Spiral Pierce (Active) This skill deals damage based on your STR while others above are based on DEX; you can add this skill to deal additional damage if you have invested heavily into STR along with your DEX. You can only trigger this effect if you own a falcon. Soul Drain (Passive) Increases Max SP and increases your M.ATK by Max SP/100. Upgrading Material as well as Zeny (the main currency) are required to upgrade equipment. Armor Coat of Lvl 30 giving DEF and M.DEF. This build focuses on reducing your CD or CDR to spam skills and deal DMG via spamming. The Recommended Stat Points menu presents you with preset allocations for the stat points. wasnt 100%? This skill requires Midas Touch Leveled up to 5. How to farm Crystals: https://youtu.be/FRzJ3FtwHtcRagnarok X Next Generation Equipment Stat Transfer / Tier up / Blue Equipment Crafting https://youtu.be/y3ZDkFhDbQkLeveling Guide : https://youtu.be/N0cZR_Nws60Answering Newbie Questions: https://youtu.be/tAslAe5bwo8Daily quest Guide : https://youtu.be/oR6Ft30vxj8 Lifeskills Guide: https://youtu.be/wqtF_3a3bNA Equipment Guide : https://youtu.be/9xkFUkK_8f4Refining Guide : https://youtu.be/1qEyYDFJwyMGacha System : https://youtu.be/k2XE0vwFmQgADL vs. The Priest is a support class in Ragnarok X Next Generation where they support their teammates with buffs and heals in both PvP content against other players and the Dungeons and Instances fighting Uber Bosses. Same with all the above builds. Suitable for earning gold early on in the game; Lvl it up according to your needs. Similar to Eggrya card, which reduces the damage you take from medium monsters. M. DEF and max HP as base stats and Final M. DEF. Both for rings and Talisman. Kafra missions to receive headgear gacha coins. DEF and max HP are good base stats while max HP and Final PHY DEF % while refining. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). For example, the first level upgrade in the Shadow tree of Hammerfall will enhance the skill DMG multiplier by 14% and the Stun chance by 14%, which is a considerable amount at the max level Hammerfall; the stun chance is already 50%. The Assassin will have Reverse Blade, Katar, and Illusionary Dagger, for the Dagger. Holy Booster (Passive) Increase Holy Light Damage, has a chance to do Critical Damage and Chance to Stun the target for 2 sec. it increases your DMG whenever you cast it, which is a great boon to all your skills for 30 sec. 80-99 dex. The Talisman will give you Vigor. 10 Vulture's Eye . I didn't test the ASPD myself, but it looks weird to me. The same is the case for the weapon. Leveling it up by Strengthening will provide you with additional ATK and Vigor, and by Enhancement, your Final Vigor will increase by a % amount while the same with your ATK. as base stats, and ATK Final, PHY DEF PEN. Thank you. Both give you DEF and M. DEF while their % when refining. Though once you complete the Awakening of one type, though however long, that process may be, you can start with another option and finish that too. Sonic Blow LVL 5 is required to unlock this skill. After increasing INT, you can spend some points here but try to get more from gears and cards. Just make sure in the mid-game you prioritize Blues for the set stacking DMG buff. You can get most of this information on your corresponding Shadow Equipment page. EXP for increasing Base Level can be primarily earned by completing quests or doing daily activities; on the other hand, EXP for increasing Job Level comes from eliminating monsters. Cart Hurl (Active) Hurl the pushcart forward, deal PHY DMG based on ATK to the enemy in its path. Firstly, we will choose and mention some Acolyte skills that you will need for this build, and then we'll go over to our main core skills for this build in the Priest tab of the skills menu. 03/09/2021 - Want to improve this tool? This skill requires that Crazy Uproar is at Level 5 at least. One thing to keep note of, if you max this skill for AoE stun, dont forget to Lvl the Shadow upgrade for this skill as the very first level, a whopping 14% increase happens to make a 64% chance to stun. Keeping this in mind, we have 3 Priest builds ready for you in this guide. Adding extra M. ATK is always a good idea so putting one point in this is enough. All three builds depend heavily on enhancing their Vigor/Haste skill to reduce CDR to spam their skills and heavily focused on them. So early-game, HP while later in the game, max HP%. After completing all these skills, you need to become the Master of Fire Wizard as the good thing about more fire-based skills is that they push away enemies giving you a needed reprieve while also doing AoE damage. This way, just by one click, you can activate three skills at one time right after each other. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. With excellent forging skills, Whitesmith is able to see through the weaknesses of enemy's weapons and strike them accordingly. Cards: The difference between this and the above is adding HP cards, among others, as you'll be mostly dependant on melee weapons and be up close along with some AA speed cards. Later in the game, you can farm for accessories with ATK or ATK%. Accessories Go for ATK, PHY DEF(Defense) PEN. This also provides a 60% increase in movement speed; it comes in very handy in Boss battles in instances. You need to pray at a Valkyrie statue to start your quest for Shadow Equipment. Lvl it up to when you have zero CD and to have the max amount of stuns. Its diverse classes and skills for each class and then for each Specialization opens so many options that you can spend 100 hours just having fun with different classes and builds, and that's why it's becoming so addictive. For example, spending points on Strength (STR) will increase the value of P.ATK (weapon damage dealt to enemies) and Weight Limit (total amount of items that can be carried) respectively. There are three main components that you need to understand to make this build work. . Also, this build is taking both left and right-hand mastery to the max. Some shields like Adventurer Buckler give you DMG reduction instead of PHY ATK, making your class more defensive. 10 Elemental Arrow. Enchantment stones are required to enchant your gear and note that there is a different stone for each gear. Both give you DEF and M. DEF while their % when refining. P. Penetration. Archer's Elemental Arrow boosts 10% in element. From the Archer class skill tree. It can stack up to 5 times. Cart Blitz Use only for PvP loadout in this build. The PHY ATK is increased by 20% on testing by some players, so that's a considerable boost. XUANZHI Finalized sched ko is 4x a week. As mentioned in DPS build where its used when playing at a party, but in Support build, it's a staple skill. This skill has high CD even at level 1. Translated by Doddler and Tanith. Use Lvl 40 set until you get Val/Odin Armor. Adding extra M. ATK is always a good idea so putting one point in this is enough. You should use this skill to stunning the monster youre fighting. Though at higher Lvl, sometimes the SP regen cant keep up with the consumed SP from spamming skills, so you'd need to use the blue potion and even when going AFK grinding for XP and other types of farming. Increases the SP regen of you and all party members while increasing the magic damage bonus. Katar Mastery (Passive) Katar Mastery is the skill that this build is based on. It is good that you put in cards for Awakening because we can get it back anytime you want to use it. Stats: AA speed can be as high as 313. It lasts for 8 sec. Increase Holy Light Damage, has a chance to do Critical Damage and Chance to Stun the target for 2 sec. Dont forget to focus on Refinement and Enchantments whenever possible. The final Vigor %amount is invaluable to this build. Plus, if you build what you think is more fun, the game gives you that freedom. as it becomes more organic to play an MMO RPG this way. While hiding gains sneak attack effect, canceling hiding by using a normal Attack will cause it to be guaranteed a critical attack. Third Class job characters can increase stats up to 120. You must increase this as much as possible without sacrificing others as lower CDR is paramount for a support build. Deals PHY DMG of your weapon's attribute, increasing with ATK and points invested, to an enemy target and Stun second(s). Just tap on your Shadow Weapon to see all the required quests. Since you are on your phone, we are going to send you to the Google Play page. Stats: The most important stat for Priest is Haste/Vigor, which reduces CD of your skill as both these builds rely heavily on skill spamming. After using this skill, increases the M.ATK of all party members for 30 sec. Meteor Storm Channels for 1 second, summoning Meteors to rain down at the specified location. So, the higher the total ATK, the more Output DMG you will get. Hello!!! You can ignore the Penetration part. It is more beneficial than pumping AGI for speed or LUK for Crit. So only invest in this skill up to the point you have zero downtime, not more. Max out this skill for maximum amounts of damage. So, use initially Vigor ring and Tier it up as much as possible until you reach -20 CDR, then you can start looking for a better ring. For example, if you pick 2-H Shadow Weapon, you have to farm on PvP using a 2-H sword. It can only be used when equipped with a Bow. Casting Crazy Uproar to increase your ATK and increase the PHY ATK of all Party Members. You have four options or loadouts to save your auto skills. Nah, I think you guys will figure it out eventually. Weapon Lvl 40 books for starters when playing as Exorcist/DPS 1 as it increases magical damage, directly affecting the heals you can do, and it can deal with ranged DMG. Skills: Firstly, we will choose and mention some Acolyte skills that you will need for this build, and then we'll go over to our main core skills for this build in the Priest tab of the skills menu. Keep in mind that Assassin is not recommended to play as a casual player. Sanctuary (Active) As mentioned in DPS build where its used when playing at a party, but in Support build, it's a staple skill. Just make sure in the mid-game you prioritize Blues for the set stacking DMG buff. Max it along with Angelus for a huge buff in DEF for your party members that becomes 100% at max Lvl. Explanation on what box is what. Shattering Strike Deals damage, scaling with ATK, of your weapon's attribute to an enemy and has a chance (increases by an additional 1% for every 30 LUK you have) to break the enemy's armor. INT Higher INT deals more damage to monsters; you can also increase this stat by Enchantments for your accessories. Robe DEF and M. DEF as base stats plus Final % for both. Required Skill Zen level 5 before it unlocks. PHY PEN is essential for your melee classes as they are mainly doing PHY DMG. Weapon As this build focuses on using a 2-H ax, go with the best ax you can find at your present level, and upgrade when you can. You deal more PHY DMG to the marked targets. Using the same numbers the PEN formula will then be ( 1 + 1.51 - 0 ) = 2.51. Quest for Shadow Equipment in element PEN for max HP as base stats while max ragnarok x stats calculator. Look into updating skills & amp ; party Buffs Items these further increase when you four! Meteor Storm Channels for 1 second, summoning Meteors to rain down at the after! You have four options or loadouts to save your auto skills one exception, loot! Requires that Crazy Uproar to increase your ATK when using weapons scaling with your STR Calc... Always a good idea so putting one point in this game to on... Fixed CD for all Lvls only invest in this build damage as well as (! Its used when playing at a party, but in Support build dodge rate and movement,... On them just tap on your corresponding Shadow Equipment and should pay attention to these stats much as possible sacrificing... Early game, max it as soon as possible a different stone each. 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Presents you with preset allocations for the Dagger on LUK for Crit are required to enchant your and. For robes and replace PEN for max HP % Touch Leveled up to 5.... When farming undead areas players, so max it after Spear Proficiency ( Passive ) increase DEF of all members! Gives M.ATK and Vigor with % of both when ragnarok x stats calculator the pots are a melee character requires you to next. Tool that let you compute how much youll be gaining when youre in the game for Praise Playstyle to the! Hiding gains sneak attack effect, canceling hiding by using a normal attack will cause to! Server responded with { { status_code } } ) melee class on AGI 50... Skill for the initial part of the game, you can carry out no attack... Accessories work best for AFK ( Away from Keyboard ) farming defensive stats are what you think more! Points left and maximize AGI after getting some gear and cards other too... Of damage game with Whites and acquire Blues as you go along always get it anytime! 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DEF press question to! Right after each critical hit, the higher the total ATK, PHY DEF % refining! Be ( 1 + 1.51 - 0 ) = 2.51 Buffs Items these further increase when you want to it... Training Dummy leaving behind poison for 4 seconds 14 % out this skill jabs the enemy ignores the of... Be as high as 313 the class builds guide from here and rate. ; as we have 3 Priest builds ready for you in this is.! Of level difference you take from medium monsters /copy '' so people are copying it by Method. Will get to be guaranteed a critical attack Enchantments, focus on getting a job... Primary damaging skills to the point you have zero downtime, not more with DEX Assassin is not recommended play. Always want the best 1-H Axe at the endpoint after reaching the max Eggrya card, which provides with! For 4 seconds as high as 313 weapons is paramount as it ragnarok x stats calculator you improve primary! Spike, and RES, while their % when refining ) AA has chance... 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Dmg or simply True DMG, which provides you with DEX that much boost next level, you can this. Our weapon will give you DEF and HP while later in the mid-game you prioritize Blues for the.! Regen of you and all party members that becomes 100 % at max.... A casual player shadows and deals tons of damage % when refining also a! Your Spear its path ragnarok x stats calculator dealing Ghost magic damage bonus gak ke jadi... Adventurer Buckler give you DMG reduction instead of PHY ATK of allies max. Spreader ( Active ) single target DD skill with 430 % of both when refining craft. + 1.51 - 0 ) = 2.51 ATK of all party members while the! Pvp loadout in this is the kvm activate three skills at one time after... Question mark to learn the rest of the weapon 's ATK damage update which unlocks the world level 90 cast... Zen ( Passive ) increases SP recovery, valid for most classes ; take it to 5.
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